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K. 512 5th Street S.E. <br />L. 645 3rd Street S.E. <br />M. 426 E. Grove <br />Pull item D and get interior photos or other shots, find out if there is anything <br />going on structurally. Motion was made by Paul Denney, seconded by Susan <br />Scholz to set aside item D as historic and bring back at a later date. Motion <br />carried 9-0. <br />Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by Nancy Partridge, to send all <br />structures except item D to the Building and Standards Commission for <br />demolition since they cannot be rehabilitated nor do they have significant <br />historical value. Motion carried 9-0. <br />4. Consideration of and action on recommending to the City Council the <br />approval ofa contract with Main StreetArchitects fora condition assessment <br />on The Grand Theater fo determine the strucfural integrity of the front facade, <br />the restoration accuracy of any proposed renovations thereto, and the <br />development of a phasing plan to ensure continuation of a comp/ete future <br />restoration project for the entire building. Motion was made by Susan Scholz, <br />second by Paul Burkhart, to approve recommendation to City Council. Motion <br />carried 6-2, Paul Denney abstained. <br />5. Review of and possib/e action on revisions to the proposed Design Standards <br />for the Historic Districts of the City of Paris, Texas. Arvin Starrett stated this <br />will require more time and work than can do at noon. Propose committee to <br />go thru again and bring back to Commission for final approval. Committee <br />members Ben Vaughan, Paul Denney, Ann Rogers, Barbara Wilson, Bethany <br />Golden and Lisa Wright. Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by <br />Pike Burkhart, to go thru and bring back to commission. Motion carried 9-0. <br />6. Request items for future agendas. There were none. <br />7. Meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 28TH OF APRIL, 2008. <br />ARVIN STARRETT, CHAIRMAN <br />00('( .1. <br />