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<br /> <br /> zoning. He questioned the purpose of the association or the corporation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest explained that it is because of the common area and the maintenance <br /> of it. The City Attorney advised that this is a form of a vehicle of transition of <br /> ownership from the PEDC to the owners of the property. They need to create <br /> it, keep it up for a while until there are enough lots sold and it is self sustaining, <br /> then it shifts to them and becomes their responsibility and the PEDC is out of the <br /> picture. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest said normally a developer comes in and they will do a residential <br />development. Most of the time they .want to deed the streets back over to the <br />city once it is built. He said he did not think the city is real crazy about having <br />-those, but that normally is the way it goes. He said they have a lot of common <br />area like this retention pond that is going to have to be maintained and these <br />covenants will assure that common area will be taken care of. <br /> <br /> City Attorney Schenk said if the Board went strictly association they <br /> would have to change back some of the language that they currently have in it <br /> to make it a .corporation, but it would not be all that difficult. <br /> <br /> Mr. Vest pointed out that in the Bylaws all the changes were shaded. <br /> <br /> City Attorney Schenk referred to "Article I - Officers" of. the introductory <br /> paragraph, the last sentence where it talks about the Board of Directors shall <br /> have full authority to remove from office any officer of the Corporation by the <br /> vote of a majority of the members of the entire Association. He suggested <br /> restoring the language that he. had before, which was reference to the Board, and <br /> to add some additional language about the issue of the membership having rights. <br /> to remove, and change the word Association to Board. The City Attorney .said <br /> he had language to add at the end that says alternately the members of the <br /> Association shall have authority to remove from office any officer of the <br /> Corporation, but only in a regular or special called meeting with the membership <br /> and only upon a majority vote of the members of the entire Association. <br /> <br /> City Attorney Schenk discussed another proposed change in "Article II"of the <br /> <br /> <br />