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2008-067-RES authorizing the procurement of easements for the West Washington Sewer line replacement project located in he 700 block of West Washington Street area
City Clerk
2008-067-RES authorizing the procurement of easements for the West Washington Sewer line replacement project located in he 700 block of West Washington Street area
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8/21/2012 1:02:52 PM
Creation date
9/8/2008 9:33:59 AM
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C CHALAIRE SURVEYING INC. <br />S BOUNDARY • TOPOGRAPHY • CONSTRUCTION <br />` I Field Notes <br />Tract B- 0.3348 Acre Sewer Easement <br />Located on the Family Haven Property <br />In the City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas and Being part of that certain tract of land located in the Asa Jarman Survey, AbTexas and des r bedhn <br />Larkin Rattan Survey, Abstract No. 778, in the City of Paris, Lamar County, <br />lume <br />deeds to Family Haven Crisis and Resource CenC.D.R.) and dat d, A1984, ugust 10 recorded ~orded <br />669, Page 461 of the Lamar County Deed Records (L. <br />in Vol. 906, Pg. 213 of the Lamar County Real Property Records (L.C.R.P.R.), the 0.3348 acre sewer <br />easement is more particularly described by me West assumed along thelwe t r ght of way line of <br />based on South 01 degrees 51 minutes 55 se onds <br />6"' Street SW and the east boundary line of that certain tract of land described in Vol. 572, Pg. 124, <br />L.C.D.R. [called South]): <br />per <br />BEGINNING at a point in the monumente boundary 1 nel of said Family Havenotracta from <br />City of Paris; no dedication found) and the east <br />which a 3/8-inch iron rod found for reference eSouth 00 deg. 09 miri 24 sec. Ea t a d tance of <br />east boun d ary l i n e o f s a i d F a m i l y H a v e n t r a c t bears <br />45.40 feet; - 1.) THENCE North 84 deg. 10 min. 25 sec. West, a distance of 311.91 feet to a point; <br />2.) THENCE South 33 deg. 10 min. 24 sec. West, a distance of 220.05 feet to a point in the center <br />of a concrete ditch, the south boundary line of said Family Haven tract, and the north <br />boundary line of that certain tract of land described in deed dated August 12, 1975, to Travis <br />Wayne Dodd, recorded in Vol. 572, Pg• 124, L.C.D.R. ; ete <br />ditch 3.) THENCE North 81 deg. 37 min. 25 sec. W~ ct a° d the north boundary linerof said Dodd <br />south boundary line of said Family Have , ~ <br />tract, a distance of 30.29 feet to a point; <br />4.) THENCE North 33 deg. 10 min. 24 sec. East, a distance of 232.15 feet to a point; <br />5.) THENCE North 23 deg. 48 min. 52 sec. East, a distance of 8191 feet to a point; inch <br />hole 6.) THENCE North 00 deg. 09 min. 46 sec. hesteastdboundary 1 ne of thato ertain tracdrill <br />of land <br />m concrete found for an angle pomt m <br />described in deed dated August 12, 1975, to Travis Wayne Dodd, recorded in Vol. 572, Pg. <br />126, L.C.D.R. for the northwest corner oi dted lAugut 28r 2000, t h Ag pe House World <br />that certain tract of land described m deed <br />Wide Ministries, Inc., recorded in Vol. 1006, Pg. 7, L.C.R.P.R.; <br />7.) THENCE North 88 deg. 54 min. 16 sec. East, along the south boundary line of said Agape <br />the <br />House tract, a distance of 46.67 feet to aoothe souheast c rner of aid AgapefH use tract <br />west right-of-way line of 7 Street SW f <br />bears North 88 deg. 54 min. 16 sec. East, Page nof 3 f 253.62 feet; <br />P.O. Box 1076 • Paris, Texas 75461-1076 • Tel: 903-784-1454 • Fax: 903-784-1452 <br />
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