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EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS <br />Over Age 65/Disabled Property Tax Freeze <br />Special Election, Saturday, May 13, 2006 <br />Special Election Dates. Early Voting Dates: Monday, May 1- Tuesday, May 9; Election Day: <br />Saturday, May 13'h. Each elector is to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the following proposition: <br />"THERE SHALL BE A CITY OF WIlVDCREST AD VALOREM TAX LIMITATION ON <br />RESIDENCE HOMESTEADS OF DISABLED PERSONS AND PERSONS SIXTY-FIVE (65) <br />YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER AS AUTHORIZED BY ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 1-b(h) OF THE <br />TEXAS CONSTITUTION" <br />2. The tax freeze ONLY applies to Windcrest taxes which represent about 12% of your total tax <br />bill. <br />• This election will not affect the 88% of your tax bill which goes to NEISD, Flood, ACCD, <br />Bexar Countv, Hospital District and River Authoritv <br />• Note: the 88% and 12% figures may vary if the resident's school tax is already frozen. <br />3. What is each eligible resident's savings if the tax freeze is approved? A savings could be obtained in <br />two ways: <br />• Tax Rate Increase: For example, a one-cent increase (e.g. from current $0.412622 to $0.422622) <br />would change your City tax bill (on average home evaluation of $137,751) from $568.39 to <br />$582.17 or $13.78 per year or $1.15 per month. Thus, an over 65/disabled resident would save <br />$1.15 a month for each one cent increase in the tax rate. <br />o This one-cent increase would have provided the City with an additional $36,513 in revenues. <br />• Home Appraisal Value Increase: For example, let's say your home's appraised valuation increases <br />b 3 000. Your City tax bill would increase by $12.38 per year or $1.03 per month (calculation: <br />$0.412622 x$3000/$100 valuation =$12.38 divided by 12 months =$1.03). Thus with taxes <br />frozen, an eligible resident would save $1.03 per month. <br />4. What will be the impact on the Citv of Windcrest's revenues? <br />• The tax freeze will reduce tLe City's property tax revenues by $3,037,700 durine the next <br />nine (9) vears (2007-2015). The Bexar Appraisal District provided this analysis using historical <br />data on tax rate, appraisal valuation increases, and the number of over age 65 households. NOTE: <br />This analysis did NOT use in its calculation the approximate 8-cent tax increase for the special <br />Interest & Sinking Fund started in 2005 for the $4.2 million Street Repairs Project. <br />• Although the City's revenue loss grows cumulatively over the 9-year period, if one calculates a <br />yearly average, then the loss amounts to an average of $337,522 per vear. <br />5. What effect would the average annual loss of $337 522 have on City services? Effects/factors include: <br />• Budget expenditures could be reduced. For example, employees could be cut. Services could be <br />reduced. <br />• Property taxes could be raised. Any increase after a freeze would impact those under the age of 65 <br />years more than those over 65/disabled. <br />• In the Budget, sales tax revenues into the City's General Fund for daily operations have continued <br />to decline at about $100,000 per year for the last five years. Other sales tax revenues (street <br />maintenance, economic development corporation, and crime prevention) are special use revenues. <br />• Windcrest is a land-locked city and can not expand its size to be able to attract new homes, <br />additional businesses, industrial parks, or other revenue-producing entities. <br />• Currently it is uncertain as to whether the revitalization of Walzem Road and development of a <br />Windcrest Town Center will be successful. <br />• Some added revenues will come from construction of new homes in Winn Brook Estates and The <br />Gardens of Windcrest. After complete build out and entry on the appraisal rolls in 2008-9, these <br />- 00002 % <br />