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5. HDR presentation <br />6. Review budget update. <br />Shawn Napier gave a handout of the Pat 1Vlayse Lake Study Committee budget. <br />The following people left the meeting at 5:30pm. Rick McDougall, Renee Harvey, and Dan Srnith. <br />7. Possible future agenda items. <br />To discuss the presentation from HDR and to obtained the information collected by the Water <br />Development Board. Chairman Reeves Hayter announced the next meeting would be August 7, 2008 <br />and that the City of Irving will be at the meeting. He told the committee if they had any questions for <br />the City of Irving to email them to Shawn Napier by Thursday, July 31 @ noon. <br />Sharron Nabors asked that Pete Kampfer present information to the Lake Pat Mayse Study <br />Committee on the future expansion for PEDC. <br />Chairman Reeves Hayter told the committee that he would be making a presentation to the <br />City Council Monday, July 28, 2008 at the City Council meeting if they would like to attend. <br />There being no further business, Mr. Campbell made a motion to adjourn and Mr. Noble <br />seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. <br />Approved this 7th day of August, 2008. <br />Reeves Hayter, Chairman <br />2 <br />- 000027 <br />