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MINUTES <br />WORK SESSION <br />LAKE PAT MAYSE STUDY COMMITTEE <br />107 E. KAUFMAN STREET <br />PARIS. TEXAS <br />THURSDAY JULY 24 2008 <br />Call the meeting to order. <br />Chairman Hayter called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. <br />2. Committee member roll call. <br />Shawn Napier called the roll. <br />Members present were John Kruntorad, Rick McDougall, Dennis Chalaire, Richard Quarles, <br />Reeves Hayter, Gene McWaters, Michael Moffitt, Sharron Nabors, Jim Noble, and Dan Smith. Ex- <br />Officio Members present were Renee Harvey, Bob Campbell, Frank Wright, and Ray Ball. Member <br />absent was Herb Campbell. Ex-Officio members absent were Jim Kays and Bryon Billman. Bryon <br />Billman sent a representative David Allen of Florida Power and Light. Alternate member Joan <br />Mathis was absent. <br />Also, present were city staff Shawn Napier, City Engineer; Kent McIlyar, City Attorney; <br />Doug Harris, Interim Public Utilities Director; and Nicki Brown, Deputy City Clerk. <br />3. Approval of Minutes from previous meetings. (June 26, 2008; July 10, 2008) <br />Sharron Nabors made a notion to approve the minutes from the June 26, 2008 Lake Pat <br />Mayse Study Committee. Michael Moffitt seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Sharron Nabors made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 10, 2008 Lake Pat Mayse Stu.dy <br />Committee with the amendment that item 4 number 14 be re-worded as follows: An environmental <br />impact study will need to be conducted which would be part of the reallocation study. The estimated <br />completion of the study is five years. Gene McWaters seconded the motion with the amendment. The <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />4. Citizens forum. <br />Mr. A.W. Clem of Moore Law Firm introduced leases on water in a five county area. He said <br />we need to consider two things. 1.) Paris has not had any renovation in years. 2.) Will Paris have <br />water in future if we sale to 3rd party? Mr. Clem presented an underground study to let the members <br />review and determine if they think there is underground water and if it would be a solution to selling <br />the water. <br />. 000026 <br />