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COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT <br />It is strongly recommended that each applicant utilize ORCA's Community Viability Index in establishing need. <br />LIST OF ALL IDENTIFIED COMMUNITY NEEDS / PROBLEMS: ] <br />p COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE: ] <br />- <br />Describe the jurisdictions current supply of affordable housing (Public Housing, Section 8 assisted, RHS <br />assisted, HOME program assisted, TDHCA assisted, Local Housing Development Corp. assisted, etc.). <br />Describe the applicant's past efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing. <br />Describe any future efforts that the applicant plans to undertake to increase the supply of affordable housing. <br />Describe any instances where the applicant has applied for affordable housing funds and did not receive the <br />funding. <br />Describe any instances, within the past five years, where the applicant has not accepted funds for affordable <br />housing. <br />Describe the applicant's efforts, within the past three years, to provide infrastructure improvements through <br />the issuance of general obligation or revenue bonds. <br />THE NEEDS IN THIS APPLICATION WERE DETERMINED BY: J <br />F-] Public Hearings <br />F~ Community Meeting <br />F-] Community Survey <br />[-]Existing Studies <br />F-l Other <br />DESCRIPTION OF THE NEED(S) ADDRESSED IN THIS APPLICATION ~ <br />Provide a brief description of the needs addressed in this application. Identify the service(s) / problem(s) being <br />addressed. Describe the problem(s) in terms of deficiencies. <br />Page 5 of 16 <br />. 000093 <br />