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B. The following individuals spoke in opposition of the petition. <br />Vicki Odell, 1615 Johnson Street, stated she owns vacant lots next to <br />her house and she doesn'twant increased traffic. A day care will cause <br />more traffic. She said they have built up this area and it is nice, and <br />she wants to protect the property values. Ms. Odell further stated she <br />wants the property all around here to remain residential. <br />Bertie Gibson, 1520 Johnson, stated she wants to protect the <br />neighborhood. This change would invite other commercial properties. <br />Glen Embry, 1410 17th Street N.E., stated he lives across the street <br />from this property, and it has been residential for years. If you put in <br />one business, others will follow. <br />Thelma Clement, 1471 13th Street N.E., stated she has been there for <br />finrenty years, and one business will bring more. She drives a school <br />bus, so she is up early, and this will create noise and traffic. She asked <br />what else would follow because this is not a good location for a day <br />care. <br />C. The public hearing was declared closed. <br />In response to Commission questions, Betty Jones stated she doesn't know <br />how many kids will be there but they currently have three employees and <br />they're limited to around 8 to 12 kids per employee. Lisa Wright advised the <br />Commission the codes will require parking and other stringent building <br />requirements and that maximum occupancy would also be established by <br />that. Curtis Fendley stated he looked at this, and it is a quiet residential area, <br />and he feels this use will be bad for rest of the area. <br />Motion was made by Curtis Fendley, seconded by Bill Harris, to deny the <br />petition. Motion carried 6-0. <br />4. Receipt of information and discussion of and possib/e action on establishing <br />a new manufactured housing subcommittee to develop an ordinance <br />regu/ating the same for review and recommendation by the P/anning and <br />Zoning Commission to the City Council of the City of Paris. <br />Benny Plata asked Lisa Wright to get ordinances from similarly sized cities, <br />like Greenville, Sherman, Corsicana, etc. Selected subcommittee members <br />were Benny Plata, Bill Harris, and Darin Manning. They scheduled to meet <br />next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. <br />- 000139 <br />