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CITY OF HIGHLAND VILLAGE, TEXAS <br />ORDINANCE NO.OS-1049 <br />AN ORDlNANCE C}F THE CITY CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND ViLLAGE, <br />TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 86, "TRAFFIC AND VEHtCLES," OF THE CODE OF <br />ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HIGHLAND VILLAGE, BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE <br />Vlil, "USE OF HAND-HELD MOBILE TELEPHONES PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN <br />LOCATIONS," AND A NEW SECTION 86-190, "USE OF HAND-HELD MOBILE <br />TELEPHONES PROHIBITED IN ACTIVE SCHOOL ZONES"; PROVIDING FOR A <br />PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS (y200.00) FOR <br />EACH OFFENSE; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR A <br />SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROViDING AN EFFECTtVE DATE. <br />WHEREA3, the City Council of the City of Highland Viilage, Texas, wishes to serve and <br />protect schooi-aged chiidren traveling to and from elementary schools and other educationai <br />facilities throughout the City, and to that end, the State of Texas has adopted certain laws <br />regulating the speed of motor vehicles in a"school zone," applying only to official school days <br />during the hours when the school zone is in effect; and <br />WHEREAS, using a hand-held mobile telephone (°cell phone") while operating a motor <br />vehicle unnecessarily distracts the driver from his or her operation of said motor vehicle and <br />limits the driver's ability to stesr and maneuver said motor vehicle and thus causes him or her <br />to concentrate less on driving safely; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Highland Village, Texas, finds that the use of a <br />hand-held mobile telephone while operating a motor vehicle in a"school zone" (on official <br />school days and during hours when the school zone is in effect) cceates a danger, or the <br />probability thereof, to school children and others that the City seeks to minimize; and <br />WHEREAS, the safety of all school-aged children traveling to and from schools and other <br />educational facilities located in the City is of paramount importance to the City, and as such, <br />demands a high standard of care and control; and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to implement those rules and regulations that protect health, life <br />and property and preserve good govemment, order and security of the City and its <br />inhabitants. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HlGHLAND VILLAGE, <br />TEXAS, THAT: <br />SECTION 1. All of the above premises are hereby found to be true and correct factual and <br />legislative detenninations of the City of Highland Village and are hereby approved and <br />incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety. <br />SECTION 2. From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, Chapter 86 of the Code of <br />Ordinances af the City of Highland ViIlage is hereby amended by the addition of a new Article <br />VIII, "Use of Hand-Held Mobile Telsphones Prohibited in Certain Locations," Section 86-190, <br />°Use of Hand-Held Mobile Telephones Prohibited in School Zones," to read as follows: <br />0 000153 <br />