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DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR'S <br />CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE <br />I, , , <br />(Name) (Title) <br />with the City of Paris designate the following named individuals as the Consultant Selection <br />committee, for 0901PARIS. The committee is authorized to determine selection criteria, review <br />proposals of candidate firms, conduct interviews, if necessary, and select a firm for the award of <br />the design contract, based on a consensus ranking by the committee members. The decision of <br />the selection committee will be final unless some discrepancy is determined to have occurred in <br />the selection process. <br />Name Title (if appropriate): <br />5 <br />The City of Paris has caused this to be duly executed in its name, this <br />day of <br />20 <br />City of Paris, Texas <br />(Sponsor) <br />By: <br />Title: <br />_ 000180 <br />