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5. Personnel from Engine-1 will be utilized to cover necessary duties/responses when Rescue-1, <br />Ladder-1, and/or Brush-1 are needed. <br />Implementation of this plan is vitally important so that we can do all we can to ensure everyday that, <br />"Everybody goes home". To help us accomplish this daily task, we must do whatever is necessary <br />and wrthin our power to: <br />• Improve the overall conditions for safety (i.e., supervision, staffing, PF's, etc.), <br />0 Compensate for the mandated staffing reductions of the past, <br />• Compensate for the City's failure to help us retain qualified and trained personnel, <br />• Stem the continued exodus of tenured and experienced veterans, <br />• Improve the confidence and trust within the ranks of the PFD, <br />• Improve the overall morale of the PFD. <br />Other benefits to this plan also include: <br />• To help us comply with the basic NFPA recommendation of at least (4) persons to each <br />Engine Company as validated by various accredited staffing studies (e.g., the 1984 Dallas <br />Study which proved that a(4) person Engine Company is the most efficient). <br />• To help us to improve our capacity to properly supervise our employees. This is especially <br />important due to the fact, as stated above, that we now have so many new and <br />inexperienced firefighters. <br />• To help us improve the overall safety and effectiveness of operations. <br />• To enhance our efforts in complying with the state mandated 2IN2 OUT law and NIMS <br />(National Incident Management System) requirements that the City of Paris has officially <br />adopted. <br />Our rationale for temporarily moving out of Fire Station No. 2 includes: <br />• Station No. 1 is our primary station which houses administration and training. <br />• St-3 services the bulk of the industry, is too isolated, has a larger service district, and would <br />have the most negative impact. <br />• Historically, E-1, E-3, and E-4, individually, respond to more calls than E-2. <br />We fully expect there may be those who will question our reasoning and purpose, especially by <br />citizens living within the old Fire Response District 2. However, we feel we have no choice smce <br />firefighter and citizen safety must take precedence. We recognize that splitting this district between <br />Stations 1 and 4 may well impact the initial apparatus response time to some areas within the <br />district; however, the effective response time is more important. The first on-scene engine company <br />will be able to implement immediate offensive and aggressive mitigation efforts with a complete <br />complement of personnel instead of having to wait for successive responders. This provides for <br />improved mitigation capability. We believe, once we have been able to provide the rationale behind <br />our decisions and our citizens actually see how the new system provides for better effectiveness, <br />efficiency, and safety, they will wholeheartedly support our efforts. <br />As stated above, this is only a temporary plan as we absolutely affirm that the current (4) station <br />alignment is still vital for the overall optimum provision of service and safety to the City of Paris. <br />However, we are compelled to regroup in order to protect our own. Should the City choose to fund <br />the additional (18) firefighters necessary to do so, we would move back into Fire Station No. 2. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />~ 0U(l372 <br />r_ - _T. <br />