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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />The following scope of work identifies the specific tasks required to complete the Strategic Plan. <br />TASK 1: PROJECT INITIATION (NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2008) <br />1a. Kick-off meeting with the City of Paris <br />The first step is to meet with the City of Paris to discuss overall project goals and milestones; products and <br />deliverables; and schedule during our first trip to Paris. This meeting will also cover the approach to the public <br />participation process and project management. Primary points of contact, communication, and the <br />identification of key community leaders and stakeholders will be established. At this time, we anticipate that <br />the City and PEDC will share copies of the previously written plans and reports that will need to be reviewed <br />and utilized in the preparation of the Strategic Plan. <br />1 b. Community Tour <br />City staff will lead Consensus Planning on a community tour during our first trip to Paris to get a feel for <br />existing development patterns and trends in the community. New development areas and the areas that may <br />be in need of redevelopment should be part of the tour. <br />1c. Steering Committee Meeting #1 <br />Our goal is to have a steering committee established by the time the planning process is underway. The initial <br />steering committee meeting, also during our first trip to Paris, will serve to kick-off the project and review the <br />project scope, committee expectations, and schedule. A preliminary SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, <br />Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis will be an interactive activity with the Steering Committee. <br />1d. Public Meeting #1: SWOT Analysis <br />The first public meeting/workshop will be conducted to introduce the Project Team to the community and <br />explain what the project entails. Consensus Planning will lead the public in a preliminary SWOT (Strengths, <br />Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis, which will be an interactive activity with the participants. <br />This gives the public an opportunity to discuss the issues that are most important to them and their <br />community and help Consensus Planning gain a good understanding of the community. <br />1e. Grassroots Community Input <br />In contrast to the traditional public meeting approach to public input, Consensus Planning proposes to offer a <br />couple of innovative approaches. We will work with staff to find an appropriate location- i.e. a corner booth at <br />a local coffee shop to be available (office hours) to discuss the plan, the community, etc., with anyone that <br />wants to drop by. While one of the planners is at the coffee shop, the other will "drop in" and visit with local <br />merchants and have informed chats about their business, community, etc. <br />Task 1 Products and Meetings <br />The Consensus Planning team shall prepare a technical memorandum (Community Briefing Report) <br />summarizing the results of Task 1, which will be provided to City and PEDC staff, and the steering committee; <br />and will hold the project kick-off meeting, first steering committee meeting, first public meeting, and be <br />present for informal conversations at a community meeting place. <br />TASK 2: RESEARCH and ANALYSES (NOVEMBER 2008 - MARCH 2009) <br />-1- <br />w DUU31,I <br />_ - t. T T_ _ ,._._T <br />