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Regular City Council Meeting <br />October 27, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Pete Kampfer introduced Jim Strozier of Consensus Planning, Inc. Mr. Stozier gave a <br />presentation outlining the process for the strategic plan for the City of Paris. <br />Mr. Stozier explained it would take eight to ten months to complete the project. Council <br />Member Brown inquired about funding of the project. Pete Kampfer said he was going to ask the <br />PEDC Board to consider funding the project. <br />6. Adjourn joint meeting with the Paris Economic Development Corporation. <br />A Motion to adjourn the meeting with PEDC was made by Council Member McCarthy and <br />seconded by Council Member Kear. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. Vice-President Bawcum <br />adjourned the PEDC meeting. <br />Upon adjournment of the joint meeting with Paris Economic Development Corporation, <br />Mayor Freelen continued with the regular City Council meeting. <br />7. Citizens' forum. <br />Leo Salas, 205 N.E. 10`h Street - he objected to the cell phone ordinance as written, because <br />operators with FCC licenses would be unable to operate their radios. <br />Bee Garmon, 424 N.E. 17`h - she said the Keep Paris Beautiful and Make Lamar County Shine <br />wanted to organize volunteers to adopt a site to keep clean, such as a city park. She said this would <br />free up city employees to do other work. <br />Nancy Bratteli, 3185 Allen - she commended Kevin Carruth for his support in the school <br />system and the community. In addition, she read a letter from Pat Gilbert, Principal of Aiken <br />Elementary School, who also commended Kevin Carruth for his involvement in the school system <br />and the community. <br />Edwin Pickle - he said he would like for the city employees to become more involved in the <br />United Way Campaign. <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Freelen said they needed to move items 11, 12 and 13 to the regular agenda, because <br />the items were ordinances. A Motion to move items 11, 12 and 13 to the regular agenda was made <br />by Council Member Biard and seconded by Council Member Kear. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays <br />Mayor Freelen asked if there were any items Council wanted to pull for discussion. Council <br />Member Kear inquired if the City staff had heard back from Intercon Demolition regarding the Casa <br />Bonita project. Lisa Wright said she had received the contracts on Friday and taken them to the City <br />. 000003 <br />