<br />Section 2. That the boundaries heretofore established by the Zoning Map and Ordinance No.
<br />1710 of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, be, and the same are hereby, changed, and that a GENERAL
<br />RETAIL DISTRICT (GR) be, and the same is hereby, established on LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 7,
<br />AND LOTS 6, 7, 11, 11A, AND 12, CITY BLOCK 257-D, on property belonging to GEORGE
<br />FISHER, so as to include in such GENERAL RETAIL DISTRICT (GR) the hereinafter described
<br />property, which was formerly and is presently designated as a ONE-F AMIL Y DWELLING
<br />DISTRICT NO.2 (SF-2), and that the boundaries of said GENERAL RETAIL DISTRICT (GR),
<br />be, and the same are hereby, established as follows:
<br />
<br />SITU A TED within the corporate limits ofthe City of Paris, County of Lamar,
<br />and State of Texas, being a part of the Hiram Williams Survey Abstract No. 1003,
<br />being Lots 7 and 8, Block 7, Springlake Addition; Lots 8,9, 10, 11, and 12, Block
<br />8, Spring1ake Addition; and Lots 6, 7, 11, 11A, and 12, City Block 257-D, being
<br />more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto, being located in the 200
<br />Block of North Collegiate Drive.
<br />
<br />Section 3. That the Chief Building Official of the City of Paris be, and he is hereby, directed
<br />to change the Zoning Map of the City of Paris in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No.
<br />1710 and the land use map accompanying the same, and in accordance with the provisions of this
<br />ordinance.
<br />
<br />Section 4. That any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty
<br />of a Misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in any sum not to exceed $2,000.00, and each
<br />and every day's continuance of any violation of the above-enumerated sections shall constitute and
<br />be deemed a separate offense.
<br />
<br />Section 5. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly
<br />repealed.
<br />
<br />Section 6. That this ordinance shall become effective May 1, 2001.
<br />
<br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Paris, in regular session on this
<br />the 5th day of April, 2001.
<br />
<br />~.L~~
<br />
<br />Michael 1. Pfiester, ay
<br />
<br />ATTEST:
<br />
<br />
<br />Mattie Cunningham, City Clerk
<br />
<br />