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WHEREAS, natural gas prices are extremely volatile, resulting in an upward cost <br />trend and significant electric price instability; and <br />WHEREAS, the City is a member of the non-profit political subdivision <br />corporation Cities Aggregation Power Project, Inc. ("CAPP"), which has the legal <br />authority to contract for the purchase of electricity on behalf of more than 100 political <br />subdivision members; and <br />WHEREAS, CAPP has endeavored to provide its members with the most <br />favorable energy pricing available in the market, delivering more than $100 million in <br />savings for its members since 2002; and <br />WHEREAS, the CAPP Board of Directors is a voluntary ten-member board <br />comprised entirely of city employees and city officials that directs the activities of <br />CAPP's legal and energy advisors; and <br />WHEREAS, the CAPP Board of' Directors has investigated potential long-term <br />contracting options to both lower and stabilize electric prices for member political <br />subdivisions that must prepare annual budgets and require cost predictability for essential <br />services like electricity; and <br />WHEREAS, CAPP negotiated a Purchase Power Agreement ("PPA") with <br />owners of non-gas fired generation for the long-term, fixed price supply of power, which <br />will allow participating CAPP members ta meet a portion of energy needs (approximately <br />60 percent) at a stable, known price for a 24-year period; and <br />WHEREAS, the PPA calls for CAPP to contract with Luminant Generation <br />Company LLC, Big Brown Power Company, LLC and Oak Grove Management <br />Company, LLC (collectively, "Luminant") for approximately 150 MW of baseload power <br />supplied by seven different units over 24 years and pre-paying a portion of the capacity <br />costs associated with power purchased pursuant to the long-term contract; and <br />WHEREAS, the City wishes to acquire a portion of its future electric energy <br />pursuant to the PPA between CAPP and Luminant; and <br />WHEREAS, to acquire power pursuant to the PPA, the City must enter into an <br />electric power contract, the Energy Sales Contract Between CAPP and the City of Paris <br />(the "Member Contract"), substantially in the form attached hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, CAPP will issue general revenue bonds, with the bond proceeds <br />used to pre-pay a portion of the 24-year capacity commitment pursuant to the PPA on <br />behalf of the City and all participating CAPP members; and <br />WHEREAS, bonds issued by CAPP will be backed by the individual Member <br />Contracts of each participating CAPP city committing to pay a capacity payment equal to <br />its proportionate amount of the debt service obligation associated with CAPP's <br />prepayment of PPA capacity costs; and <br />2 <br />. 0 0 U0 0 5 <br />