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<br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />PERFORMANCE STATEMENT <br /> <br />City of Paris <br /> <br />Contractor shall carry out the following activities in the target area identified in its 2001 Community <br />Development Housing Rehabilitation Fund application. Contractor shall ensure that the amount of funds <br />expended for each activity described herein does not exceed the amount specified for such activity in <br />Exhibit B, Budget. <br /> <br />Rehabilitation of Private Propertv <br /> <br />Contractor shall utilize a five-year forgivable loan program to operate a homeowner-occupied <br />housing rehabilitation assistance program compliant with Section 8 Housing Quality Standards. Contractor <br />shall rehabilitate a minimum of twelve (12) homes at an average cost of $23,667 per unit and shall give <br />priority to the elderly with approximately six (6) units designated for disabled persons and make the homes <br />fully accessible. <br /> <br />Contractor shall prepare written housing rehabilitation assistance guidelines as required in Section <br />22. E of this contract and shall ensure that each housing unit is brought up to HUD Section 8 Existing <br />Housing Quality Standards. These standards shall also be unutilized to determine the level of assistance <br />provided to each rehabilitated unit. In addition, Contractor shall submit the first three (3) work write-ups to <br />the Department for review and approval before any bids can be advertised. <br /> <br />These activities shall benefit twenty-six (26) persons, of which twenty-six (26) or one hundred <br />percent (100%) are of low to moderate income. <br /> <br />Enoineerino <br /> <br />Contractor shall ensure that the amount of Department funds expended for all eligible project-related <br />engineering services, including preliminary and final design plans and specifications, all interim and final <br />inspections, and all special services does not exceed the amount specified for engineering in Exhibit B, <br />Budget. <br /> <br />Administration <br /> <br />Contractor shall ensure that the amount of Department funds expended for all eligible project-related <br />administration activities, including the required annual program compliance and fiscal audit does not exceed <br />the amount specified for administration in Exhibit B, Budget. <br /> <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />