<br />..-.=--'
<br />
<br />RrG}!T-OF-WAY El\SE/ol~!T
<br />
<br />;nlE STM'E OF TElv\S X
<br />X
<br />COmlTl' OF LMII\R X
<br />
<br />
<br />That the TEKJ\S Nl\TrONAL GUARD AIDlORY BOARD, a body
<br />
<br />'politic nnd corporate o~ t.hc Stnte of Te>:as, Llcting herein b:::{
<br />
<br />nnc1 through itG duly uuthori:::cd Director, in consideration of
<br />
<br />the 5'.rn. of One DollQr (~l. 00) and other good and valu<lblc
<br />
<br />consideration in hand paid by the CITY OF PARIS, Lamar County,
<br />
<br />Te;cas, the receipt of Which is hereby acknO\'11cdgec1,. docs by these
<br />
<br />present~ grunt, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF PAP_IS,
<br />
<br />La..'I\iJ.r County, Texas, the usc, liberty and privilesre of the pa!isElga
<br />
<br />
<br />in, along, under, upon and across the =ollowing land solely for
<br />
<br />the purposos hereinafter specified, s~id tract of land being
<br />
<br />described as followo, to-wit:
<br />
<br />nEING u ctrip of luna forty (40) feet in wid~h located
<br />in LamClr County, Te::':c13 Dnd being over, and across part
<br />of the tract of land conveyed to the Texns Notional
<br />GUure Armory Boarcl by a deed now of record in Vol. 325,
<br />Page -'1.20 of the Deed Records of Lamar County, TeJ:ilG:
<br />naid fo~ty (40) foot eazc~ent being forty feet leJ:t of
<br />aad zero (0) feet right of the follO\"ling' described line;
<br />
<br />BEGItnrING at a point in the center of ~ existing uCCGCZ
<br />rond describau az Trnct Ho. 3 (Access Road) conveyed to
<br />the City of Pnris by the Texan UQtiqni3.l Guara }'.rrnory
<br />Board by R.O..l'l.. Eascr:\ent nO\'1 oi record in Volume SOr.,
<br />Page 203 of Lmnnr County, Tem!s, snid point being 2199
<br />feet fro~ the beginning point of Bnid T=act No.3, the
<br />East boundar~[ line of Te;~az lIationnl Gua.rd Property:
<br />
<br />TI:lE~rc.c, N 90 - 111 - 5311 \'t a diztancc of 18GG. 7 feet,
<br />~ore or lesn, to a point:
<br />
<br />THEHCE, I:! 550 - III - 53" \'1 t1 distance of 1168.3 feet.,
<br />more or less, to a point;
<br />
<br />Tf!r:.!:-!Cr:, f; 870 - 53' - 4711 \'1 c:. dist~lce 0:: 8G5..:.1 ~ect,
<br />.~crc 0= lczs, ~o ~ poin~;
<br />
<br />T!~iC:C.. S (,7" - 2::\1 - ....~...II l; c;: OiC';;i::i1,::E of 600.0 2c'~:'L:.,
<br />..1:.ro 0:: lcc:;, to ~.:. !,)Oi:::l';;;-
<br />
<br />~ml~Cr., 1; 2S~.' - :L~'I - 5::~': I:: r.:. c:.ic';:.cn=c 0"':' ~;4(;a5 :":cc';"; \:0 to
<br />point in .the ccmtc:: of c~:.:..~t.:i.tlg ClCCCGG rout:......c:.v 02 ';'!;"cct
<br />no. 2 convevc(~ 'to ~hc Citv' of: I'c:.ris b'.~ t~lC TC;':~tl lIi1tio;.l~l
<br />G~.!..rc. ]:.~mor~.' Soa!:{. :0,' Ii..aO:K. cD.ocmcn't- no,.,' or: ;.c.,;crt= i!!
<br />',taIm;..>:::, SOC, - r'acr{-: :;')2- o.f:' r..~mr Count~., Tc~~as, r.~d..:-:' i:JOi:l~':'
<br />";:-~i:l'; ::!(a63 :.:el!:'t. '::::-0;71 t~"tc cne of. sai(~. 'l'~:a=t NCJ.. ~ MO'le.
<br />
<br />T;li::: C(.:;O;.I~".i,~'. ::l"~C ::~~.;lt (J::': llSe. ic ::a.:!c1.y :Cel: t.:,c p'.J:":'!?C::C':~;
<br />
<br />0;':' tl':'::Ccst; to p:'or>c=t~, 0\;ri0c; :'1' 'n:.=io1.l:': church o~:S'n:::.i:.::~-:.io:n::; OHti.
<br />
<br />'::""H: Do~' 3-==OL~b; 0:: l\:,lCr.i.:::c::. 0:: !.r..i~c: p~t H;<t.i;'cc ,me:! t~1 t.ne J~i:':"-: l~:'.,,;,c:
<br />
<br />:~~.;;.;.;;~ r::~:-:uc~u:.:(:.' ;"'0:: \::h..: ~it~- c:: 1.....:,;. ,;.t;..
<br />
<br />tlF.CEIVFn M,W r 1 .1~P.~
<br />_PJ=f"r::II/rn ~rR 'I l1qRh ,,"""
<br />
<br />
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<br />