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<br />State's Responsibilities (Controlled Access) <br /> <br />1. Maintain the traveled surface of the through lanes, ramps, and frontage roads and <br />foundations beneath such traveled surface necessary for the proper support of same under <br />vehicular loads encountered. <br /> <br />2. Mow and clean up litter within the outermost curbs of the frontage roads or the entire <br />right-of-way width where no frontage roads exist, and assist in performing these operations <br />between the right-of-way line and the outermost curb or crown line of the frontage roads <br />in undeveloped areas. <br /> <br />3. Sweep and otherwise clean the through lanes, ramps, separation structures, or roadways <br />and frontage roads. <br /> <br />4. Remove snow and control ice on the through lanes and ramps and assist in these operations <br />as the availability of equipment and labor will allow on the frontage roads and grade <br />separation structures or roadways. <br /> <br />5. Except as provided under "General Condition in paragraph 4, the State will install and <br />maintain all normal markings and signs, including sign operation if applicable, on the main <br />lanes and frontage roads. This includes school safety devices, school crosswalks, and <br />crosswalks installed on frontage roads in conjunction with pedestrian signal heads. It does <br />not include other pedestrian crosswalks. <br /> <br />6. Install, operate, and maintain traffic signals at ramps and frontage road intersections unless <br />covered by a separate agreement. <br /> <br />7. Maintain all drainage facilities within the limits of the right-of-way and State drainage <br />easements. This does not relieve the City of its responsibility for drainage of the highway <br />facility within its corporate limits. <br /> <br />City's Responsibilities (Controlled Access) <br /> <br />1. Prohibit, by ordinance or resolution and through enforcement, all parking on frontage <br />roads except when parallel parking on one side is approved by the State in writing. <br />Prohibit all parking on main lanes and ramps and at such other places where such <br />restriction is necessary for satisfactory operation of traffic, by passing and enforcing <br />ordinances/resolutions and taking other appropriate action in addition to full compliance <br />with current laws on paring. <br />2. When considered necessary and desirable by both the City and the State, the City shall <br />pass and enforce an ordinance/resolution providing for one-way traffic on the frontage <br />roads except as may be otherwise agreed to by separate agreements with the State. <br /> <br />3. Secure or cause to be secured the approval of the State before any utility installation, <br />repair, removal, or adjustment is undertaken, crossing over or under the highway facility <br />or entering the right-of-way. In the event of an emergency, it being evident that <br /> <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />