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<br />CSEC <br />FY 200412005 Contract TOr 9-1-1 Services <br /> <br />page 3 <br /> <br />(b) provide a provision that the RPC will provide 9-1-1 funds to the local <br />governments or PSAPs on a reimbursement basis using a monitoring process <br />that provides assurance that the reimbursement requests from the local <br />governments and PSAPs are complete, accurate, and appropriate; <br /> <br />(c) include a provision that the RPC may withhold, decrease, or seek <br />reimbursement of 9-1-1 funds in the event that those 9-1-1 funds were used In <br />noncompliance with applicable law. <br /> <br />(d) include a provision whereby the local governments and PSAPs shall return or <br />reimburse the RPC and/or the Commission, as applicable, any 9-1-1 funds <br />used in noncompliance with applicable law; <br /> <br />(e) include a provision that such return or reimbursement of 9-1-1 funds to the <br />RPC and/or the Commission, as applicable, shall be made by the local <br />government or PSAP within 60 days after demand by the RPC, unless an <br />alternative repayment plan is approved by the RPC and the Commission; <br /> <br />(f) include provisions, consistent with UGMS and applicable law, addressing the <br />RPC's ownership, transfer of ownership, and/or control of equipment acquired <br />with 9-1-1 funds; in connection with the provisions of 9-1-1 service ("9-1-1 <br />equipment"); <br /> <br />(g) include a provision, consistent with UGMS and applicable law, requiring the <br />RPC to maintain a current inventory of all 9-1-1 equipment; <br /> <br />(h) include a provision requiring reimbursement to the RPC and/or the <br />Commission for damage to 9-1-1 equipment caused by intentional <br />misconduct, abuse, misuse or negligence by PSAP employees; though this. <br />provision shall not include ordinary wear and tear or ordinary day to day use of <br />equipment; <br /> <br />(i) provide, consistent with UGMS and applicable law, that the local governments <br />and PSAPs will maintain adequate fiscal records and supporting <br />documentation of all 9-1-1 funds distributed to such local governments and <br />PSAPs and all 9-1-1 funds spent by such local governments and PSAPs for <br />9-1-1 service, with specific detail for 9-1-1 funds received or spent relating to <br />addressing or addressing database maintenance activities; <br /> <br />U) provide that the Commission or its duly authorized representative shall have <br />access to and the right to examine all books, accounts, records, files, and/or <br />other papers, or property pertaining to the 9-1-1 service, belonging to or in use <br />by the local government, the PSAP, or by any other entity that has performed <br />or will perform addressing or addressing database maintenance activities; and <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />