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<br />a. The work to be performed under this contract is on a project assisted under a program providing direct <br />federal financial assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and is subject to <br />the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 <br />U.S.C. 1701u. Section 3 requires that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and <br />employment be given lower income residents of the project area and contracts for work in connection <br />with the project be awarded to business concerns which are located in, or oWned in substantial part by <br />persons residing in the area of the project. <br /> <br />b. The parties to this contract will comply with the provisions of said Section 3 and the regulations issued <br />pursuant thereto by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth in 24 C.F.R 235, and <br />all applicable rules and orders ofTDHCA issued thereunder prior to the execution of this Contract. <br />The parties to this Contract certify and agree that they are under no contractual or other disability <br />which would prevent them from complying with these requirements. <br /> <br />c. The Firm will send to each labor organization or representative of workers With which heishe has a <br />collective bargaining agreement or other. contract or understanding, ifany, a notice advising the said <br />lahor organization or workers' representative ofhis/her connnitments under this Section 3 clause and <br />shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for <br />employment or training. <br /> <br />d. The Firm will include this Section 3 clause in every subcontract for work in connection with the project <br />and will, at the cfuCction of the applicant for or recipient offederal financial assistance, take <br />appropriate action pursuant to the subcontract upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of <br />regulations issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, 24 C.F.R Part 135. The <br />contractor will not subcontract with any subcontractor where it has notice or knowledge that the latter <br />has been found in violation of regulations under 24 C.F.R. Part 135 and will not let any subcontract <br />unless the subcontractor has first provided it with a preliminary statement of ability to comply with the <br />requirements of these regulations. . <br /> <br />e. Compliance with the provisions of Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 C.F.R. Part 135. and all <br />applicable rules and orders of TDHCA issued hereunder prior to the execution of the contract, shall be <br />a condition of the federal financial assistance. provided to the project, binding upon the applicant or <br />recipient for such assistance, its successors and assigns. Failure to fulfill these requirements shall <br />subject the applicant or recipient, its'contractors and subcontractors, its successors and assigns to those <br />sanctions specified by the grant or loan agreement or contract through which federal assistance is <br />provided, and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 C.F.R Part 135. <br /> <br />15. Section 503 Handical'ped (if $2.500 or Over) Affinnative marketinl! for Handicapped Workers. <br /> <br />a. The Firm will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of physical <br />or mental handicap in regard to any position for which the employee or applicant for employment is <br />qualified. The contractor agrees to take affirmative marketing to employ, advance in employment and <br />otherwise treat qualified handicapped individuals without discrimination based upon their physical or <br />mental handicap in all employment practices such as the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion <br />ot transfer, recruitment,advertising, layoff or termination, rates of payor other forms of compensation, <br />and selection for training, including apprenticeship. <br /> <br />b. The Firm agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor <br />issued pursuant to the Act. <br /> <br />c. In the event of the Firm's non-compliance with the requirements of this clause, actions for <br />non-compliance may be taken in accordance with the roles, regulationS, and relevant orders of the <br />Secretary of ~bor issued pursuant to the Act <br />