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<br />b. Hvdroaraohic Survev Cost Comoutation. <br /> <br />The Texas Water Development Board computes Hydrographic <br />Survey costs utilizing the following formula: <br />2 <br />Rate = 0.0000014 X (Area) + 1.15 X (Area) + $13,000 <br />= $14,412 <br /> <br />(Area is the surface area of the lake at the time of the survey, in acres <br />and Rate is the proposed cost of the survey). Lake Crook has a <br />surface area of 1,226 acres at elevation 476 feet National Geodetic <br />Vertical Datum. The estimated survey cost is therefore $14.500.00 <br />(rounded up to the next $100.00). The cost of the survey and report <br />are proposed as lump sum fees in accordance with the recorded <br />surface areas and the standard rate schedule and represents the <br />typical charges for a "standardized" underwater bathymetric survey <br />for a given size lake and associated reporting of the findings. This <br />standard charge schedule assumes: a surface acreage of the lake at <br />normal pool elevation; an underwater bathymetric survey only; a 500- <br />foot average width between the surveying transects; acceptable <br />weather conditions; no significant surface or sub-surface obstructions <br />to navigation; no unusual owner-induced delays once the field <br />mobilization and survey effort has been initiated; a coordination <br />meeting with the owner; and a standard survey report consisting of a <br />description of the lake and previously-known physical and storage <br />conditions, description of the hydrographic survey methodology, <br />narrative and tabular descriptions of the newly surveyed physical <br />parameters of the lake bathymetry and storage capacity, <br />representative cross-sections of the lake survey, a two-dimensional <br />contour map and shaded relief plot of the lake bathymetry, and <br />associated digital files of the survey results, if requested. <br /> <br />c. Cost Summary <br /> <br />1. Survey (1,226 surface-acres) <br />2. Contingencies: <br />add'l work requested by Sponsor <br />navigational hazards <br /> <br />$14,500.00 <br />$ 0.00 <br />$ 0.00 <br />