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<br />a day or you can either go to Paris, France, or Paris, Texas. It is not over yet, so <br />he encouraged Mr. Vest to make a phone call to their advertising department. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest gave the Board a supplement of an ad that they did in a special section <br />in a Trade Commerce Magazine. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest told the Board that next Tuesday, Max Sandlin will be at the Love <br />Civic Center at 11:00. He will be discussing economic development issues. Mr. <br />Vest would appreciate it if the PEDC directors could attend. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest said that next Tuesday, AugUst 27, 2002, they are going to be working <br />with Oncor on a display with the Commercial Realtors®. in Dallas, which is a <br />mini trade show for all the Commercial Realtors. They will be touting the <br />Oliver Rubber and K-Mart Buildings and talking about Paris as a location for <br />new business. Commercial real estate persons have the opportunity to bring <br />business and industry to Paris. <br /> <br />Director Dunn asked about the K-Mart Building. Mr. Vest advised that there <br />was a group of investors that were going to purchase the building, but they <br />backed out. He advised that they were out of Dallas and they kept saying that <br />they did not have a user, but he thought they had some users in mind, and they <br />were never able to sell it. He advised that they were going to do more direct <br />mail on the building by sending letters to light manufacturing people. They are <br />also sending it to Commercial Realtors®. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest said he was asked to come down and testify before the Economic <br />Development Committee by Representative Jim Solis, but he is unable to go, <br />because they are looking at the retail issue. Mark Homer is going to introduce <br />legislation to take retail completely out in order to clear that language up. Mr. <br />Vest explained that the legislators were criticizing the economic development <br />corporations for doing retail, but the other thing that they are fighting about is <br />this pirating, moving a company from Plano to Frisco and that type of thing. <br />Plano, Richardson, and Addison are the ones that have been raising cane and <br /> <br /> <br />