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706 <br /> <br /> <br /> contact person, which is the normal procedure. Mr. Vest drew the Board's <br /> attention to a brochure on the Oliver Rubber building that has been included <br /> in the agenda packet, and pointed out that a realtor is listed on it. Mr. Vest <br /> said that anytime PEDC has a building with 10,000 square feet or more, a <br /> brochure will be done. Mr. Vest said the owner of the K-Mart building told <br /> him that he did not want anyone calling him. The owner had listed it with a <br /> realtor, and if there were any inquiries, those calling were to contact the <br /> realtor. Mr. Vest advised that the building is under contract, but the contract <br /> is with a real estate investment firm. <br /> <br /> Jim Bell said there were misunderstandings but many of the issues had been <br /> covered before this meeting. The big issue goes further than the K-Mart <br /> building. Brokers have listed property with more than 10,000 square feet, <br /> such as the Foxworth building, and they did not get marketing assistance from <br /> the PEDC. The brokers are not sure what type building will qualify and <br /> what procedure to follow to get PEDC's assistance. Mr. Bell said the brokers <br /> would like the PEDC board to formally propose parameters for buildings <br /> that the PEDC would consider, as well as what procedure a broker should <br /> follow to request assistance. He would like the PEDC to present programs <br /> providing this information to the Paris Board of Real Estate. Mr. Bell stated <br /> that both organizations are here for the purpose of moving property; if the <br /> property is a building of any size, then it will be providing jobs. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bell said there needs to be a formal but brief agreement between the <br /> Board of Realtors and the PEDC that would at least say that the Realtor is the <br /> point of contact and that would keep both parties informed. Mr. Bell said that <br /> a number of Realtors would like to see if there was some way to include a <br /> standard flyer that states, "if you are an interested party and want bi- <br /> representation." Mr. Bell advised that the real estate industry has changed <br /> in the last few years. Their listing agreements are contractual and a Realtor <br /> has to declare one of three statuses: buyer, agent, or seller agent; or they <br /> have to be an intermediator which it is very hard. He said that many of the <br /> PEDC's prospects may want bi-representation. If that is the case, Mr. Bell <br /> said it was only fair to say a possible benefit of a Chamber membership is to <br /> include something in the brochure that says "if you want to talk to someone <br /> <br /> <br />