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A motion was made by Director Severson, seconded by Director Wall, for <br /> approval of the financial report. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> President Guest called for the Director's Report. <br /> <br />Gary Vest came forward advising that since January they have received 41 <br />inquiries to their advertisement campaign. He said they did not have a response <br />from Project Winter; but that company has not made a decision and he knew <br />that Sherman was having problems with a building. He was hopeful that they. <br />would make a decision soon. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest said they had a real good visit with a prospect the previous Friday, <br />Project Hope, and advised that he will discuss that later in the meeting. <br /> <br />Mr. Vest told the Board that Erik has been on the go. In March, Erik went to the <br />North American Manufacturing Show in Chicago. He also went to the <br />Economic Development Institute at the University of Oklahoma. They also <br />attended the PEDC Legislative Conference in Austin. Mr. Vest said there has <br />been a lot of legislative activity going on. He said that on the last day for filing. <br />there were 18 bills filed that affect the sales tax for Economic Development. <br />That does not include the good bill introduced by Mark Homer, House Bill No. <br />29025. Mr. Vest said he has worked with Mr. Homer on this bill. Mr. Vest <br />advised that he will be in Austin Monday to discuss the bill with Mark Homer <br />because it is going to be debated on the House floor Monday. He hoped that it <br />will pass the House and be sent over to the Senate. Mr. Wall attended the <br />committee hearing where the bill was discussed and it passed out of the' <br />committee. They came back with a committee substitute and that is what will be <br />going to the floor on Monday. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2003-003, authorizing and approving the renewal and extension <br />of the current promissory note and first addendum to security agreement from <br />Paris Packaging, Inc., to extend the term of said note and said security <br />agreement co-extensive with the term of the PEDC Taxable Sales Tax Revenue <br />Bonds, Series 1998, was presented by City Attorney Schenk. <br /> <br /> <br />