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carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Vice President Wall announced that the next item on the agenda was <br />Director's report. <br /> <br />Gary Vest, Executive Director of the Paris Economic Development Corporation, <br />came forward presenting a power point presentation of the Annual Report for <br />the year 2002 as follow: <br /> <br />Mr. Vest reported that they advertised in a number of publications throughoUt <br />the year. The first one they advertised in, "Plant Sites and Parks", generated 28 <br />leads. A copy of the ad was passed around. There was another advertisement <br />in "Trade and Commerce" which resulted in 24 leads. They also received 20 <br />leads from "Business Facilities"; 13 leads from "Area Development"; and l0 <br />leads from "Outlook". Other magazines used were "Global Expansion" and <br />"Business Expansion". <br /> <br />Mr. Vest pointed out that some of the other advertisement they did throughout <br />the year was in the "San Jose Mercury News," the "Dallas Morning News," the <br />"Houston Chronicle" and the "Dallas Business Journal". Mr. Vest informed the <br />Board that most of the advertisements done in these newspapers were for the <br />Oliver Rubber Building or the Kmart Building. Mr. Vest said they also <br />advertised in the "Dallas Industrial Guide", and he furnished a copy for the <br />Board to review. Mr. Vest said they also did a special co-op with Oncor, TXU, <br />McKinney, Sherman, Gainesville, Denison, and Sulphur Springs where there <br />was a special section in Blacks' Guide, which is primarily in the Dallas market. <br /> <br />Mr..Vest stated that they attended several trade shows during the year: Bio-Tech <br />Medical Device in San Diego, California; the Manufacturing Jewelers and <br />Silversmiths of America in New York; and the North American Manufacturing <br />Association in Chicago. Mr. Vest said they did a special show with the Dallas <br />Commercial Realtor in conjunction with Oncor. Mr. Vest told the Board that <br />this year they were going to the Commercial Realtor Show. <br /> <br /> <br />