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frame. $1,775 in ticket sales from the Snow Slide will go towards the Grand Theatre project. <br />Wagon rides raised $500 in donations. Music also played on the fountain during the Art Walk & <br />other events. A visitor told Becky Semple that Holiday in Paris was "The Most Fun in Paris at <br />Christmas Time!", she even went on to say that they actually wanted to stay home for the <br />holidays instead of going out of town. The Paris Downtown Association provided a good report <br />on the first weekend of Holiday in Paris at their last meeting. <br />Bud2et Update <br />We went over budget on Christmas lighting. In the past, budget requests have been handled by <br />the Main Street Manager. However committees can assist with the proposals as well. We can <br />plan a more accurate request if we know more about what we want to do for the year. <br />LogisticaUinfrastructwe related issues should not have to come out of funds raised for the <br />Festival of Pumpkins itself. Electrical upgrades need to be addressed since the Pumpkin Festival <br />continues to graw. Unfortunately, funds are not generated from this event. The City Parks <br />Department is looking into the downtown electrical updates. <br />Plan for Election of Officers <br />Discussion will be held at January meeting <br />Repuest for Future Asenda Items <br />Election of Officers <br />Discuss committees under Main Street <br />Training on Main Street Manager's responsibilities <br />Adiournment <br />A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Marvin Gorley and seconded by Jennifer Long. <br />Motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 4:52 p.m. <br />Minutes prepared by Kari Daniel, Main Street Advisory Board Secretary. <br />Approved this 27th day of January 2009. <br />Wyatt Bowden, Chairman <br />- 0n002`i <br />