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other property which may be affected by the project. <br />3, The Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall save harmless the State, the <br />State's agents, employees or contractors from all claims and liability due to activities of <br />the Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees performed under this agreement. The <br />Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall also save harmless the State, the <br />State's agents, employees or contractors from any and all expenses, including attorney <br />fees which might be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting the claim or <br />liabilities which might be imposed on the State as the result of such activities by the <br />Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees. <br />4. The Sponsor's acceptance of this Offer and ratification and adoption of the Agreement <br />incorporated shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, and the <br />Agreement shall comprise a contract, constituting the obligations and rights of the State <br />of Texas and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the project and the <br />operation and maintenance of the airport. Such Agreement shall become effective upon <br />execution of this instrument and shall remain in full force and effect for a period of at <br />least 20 years. <br />5. The Sponsor and not the State shall, for all purposes, be the "Sponsor" of the project <br />identified above as defined in Title 49 U.S.C. Sponsor agrees to assume responsibility <br />for operation of the facility in compliance with all applicable state and federal <br />requirements including any statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any <br />other directives before, during and after the completion of this project. <br />6. The Sponsor shall have on file with the State a current and approved Attorney's <br />Certificate of Airport Property Interests and Exhibit A property map. <br />7. The Sponsor shall have on file with the State, Attachment C, Certification Regarding <br />Drug-Free Workplace Requirements, attached and made part of this agreement. <br />Part IV- Nomination of the Agent <br />1. The Sponsor designates the State as the party to apply for, receive and disburse all funds <br />used, or to be used, in payment of the costs of the project, or in reimbursement to either of <br />the parties for costs incurred. <br />2. The State agrees to assume the responsibility to assure that all aspects of the grant are <br />done in compliance with all applicable state and federal requirements including any <br />statutes, rules, regulations, assurances, procedures or any other directives, except as <br />otherwise specifically provided. <br />Page 7 of 28 <br />