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~ <br />f <br />Bidders are requested to submit a list of any further concessions or services in the space provided <br />below which they may want to offer to the City of Paris and make any comment as further <br />consideration in selecting the City's deository. If needed, piease add additional pages. <br />Bank will pay interest on Citq s Consolidated Cash Account at a rate equivaleat to the <br />auction rate for 26-week Treasury bills plus 68 basis points. The rate will be changed <br />each calendar quarter aad calculated using the most recent Treasury bill suctian. <br />IIsing the Treasurq bill suction of January S. 2009 a rate of 1.02 vouZd result. <br />IIpan notification to Bank, city would have the option to bring other City transaction <br />accounts under a rate plan payiag the auction rate for 26-week Treasury bille plus 18 <br />basis poiats. <br />Dsing the Treasury bill suction of January 5, 2009 a rate of .SOx would result. <br />Bank vilZ originate City's ACH paymeats, both debits and credits without charge. <br />Bank will furnish to City without charge at t6e end of esch year CD's contaiaiag <br />a s-ary of each transactioa.account activity. <br />All monies which are deposited into the depository under the provisions of this proposal shall be <br />continuously secured, in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas applicable thereto, by a <br />valid pledge of par, exclusive of accrued interest, at all times at least equal to 102% of the <br />amount of money on deposit in said several funds on deposit in the depository. <br />All time deposits or certificates of deposits which have not elapsed on the termination date of the <br />finally approved depository contract, shall remain on deposit with the same depository under the <br />same terms and conditions in effect during said contract until the date such time deposits have <br />elapsed. Funds from Bond sales may be deposited in the City depository or placed in outside <br />investments. <br />The City of Paris reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive formalities, and to <br />accept the bid the City considers the most advantageous. The City also reserves the right to place <br />or invest part or atl of its surplus or excess funds outside the designated depository, in any <br />manner permitted by law, from time to time throughout the term of the contract. <br />The undersigned bank official represents that he is authorized by the Bank's Board of Directors <br />to sign this document and legally obligate the Bank to tlie tcnns stated in this agreement. <br />NAME OF B.~NK The Liberty National Bank in Paris <br /> <br />BY: <br />/Philip R. ec <br />TITLE: Chairman of the Board <br />DATE: O 1-09-2009 <br />