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This item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. <br />5. Review and discussion of and possible action on the procedure for issuing securiry gate <br />cards. <br />The Board asked why Jerry was not permitted to program the cards. Lisa Wright advised <br />that there was only one machine to program the cards, and it's the same one used to <br />program cards to access City buildings, so it could not be moved around for security <br />reasons. Board consensus was to get 10 cards pre-programmed and leave them at the <br />airport for Jerry to pass out. Lisa Wright advised the Board that she will have to seek <br />permission from the City Manager to do this since it is a security issue. <br />6. Presentation by the Airport Manager and Jeff Jones and discussion of and possible action <br />on the feasibiliry ofprivate hangar construction as investment property. <br />Jerry Richey stated Mr. Jones wants to know the best deal we can give him. He would <br />like to put in T-hangars, wood with metal siding, ten hangars on the west side. Mr. Jones <br />will build the hangars and the foundations for them but wants City to the build access <br />ramps and install other necessary concrete. Edwin Pickle stated that he thought this <br />should be a capital project paid for by the City. Lisa Wright inquired over whether or not <br />this was a budget amendment that would need to wait until Council considers other items, <br />and Mr. Pickle stated that it was not, that the money is already in the budget for capital <br />improvements. Jerry and Lisa stated the would work on getting some figures together for <br />the next meeting. <br />7. Request items for future agendas. <br />The December meeting was rescheduled a week early to discuss the airport hangar <br />construction project in the event figures can be attained by that time. <br />8. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 8TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2009 <br />% <br />Vic Ressler, Chairman <br />