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B. Hire and pay two umpires per game. The umpires must be ASA certified, with <br />a copy of their certification on file in the Parks and Recreation office. Umpires <br />shall dress professionally, wearing denim, navy or khaki shorts/pants and an <br />umpire's shirt with a certified umpires patch on the upper left sleeve. The <br />shirt must be tucked into belted shorts/pants. The umpire must wear a cap, <br />socks and athletic shoes. Clothes shall be clean and pressed. Shorts must not <br />be shorter than 6 inches above the knee. Appropriate undergarments must be <br />worn. <br />C. Hire and pay a scorekeeper for each game. The scorekeeper shall dress <br />professionally. (See the umpires dress expectations.) Scorekeepers will not <br />have an umpire's patch and the shirt needs to be navy, red or white polo style <br />shirt. It is not mandatory for the scorekeeper to wear a cap. <br />D. Awards (Trophies & T-shirts) <br />E. TAAF Fees for teams wanting to participate in TAAF tournaments. <br />8. CONTRACTOR shall keep an up-to-date umpire's log in the Concession Stand at the <br />Sports Complex with the names of the umpires calling each game for the Sports <br />Complex, and Wise Field. If CONTRACTOR is not at games, the person "In Charge" <br />should be noted in this log, also. <br />9. Field preparations for all softball leagues will be the sole responsibility of CITY. <br />Baseball league field preparation will be the sole responsibility of CONTRACTOR. <br />In the event of inclement weather or poor playing conditions, CITY will inform <br />CONTRACTOR by 2:00 pm whether games will be played or cancelled. <br />CONTRACTOR cannot override the decision made by CITY. It will be the <br />responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to notify all teams of cancellations. <br />10. CONTRACTOR shall enforce all City of Paris policies and procedures, including but <br />not limited to the prohibition against the use of alcohol or any tobacco products at <br />City parks or athletic facilities. Profanity and rude gestures are also prohibited at <br />City parks and athletic facilities. <br />11. CONTRACTOR shall also retrieve and store the bases from Field 1 and Field 2 at the <br />end of each day and store them in the Equipment Building at the Sports Complex. <br />The seoreboard controls must also be turned into the concession stand at the Sports <br />Complex at the end of each day. The bases from the field(s) at Wise Field must <br />also be picked up and stored in the men's restroom or locked storage box under <br />scorekeeper's box at the end of each day. <br />12. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the adult softball program follows TAAF adult <br />softball rules for all leagues and divisions. Where a TAAF rule is not found, ASA <br />rules will be used. No "home" rules will be implemented. <br />a <br />M U«012 1) <br />