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General Fund expenditures to date total 34.94% of the budget while Water & Sewer Fund expenditures <br />to date total 21.919'0 of the budget if you do not count debt payments made out of the various interest <br />and sinking funds. When debt is included, Water & Sewer expenditures to date would be 44.60% of the <br />budget. Most Water & Sewer debt is paid in December and this distorts the percentage of expenditures <br />as ofJanuary 31, 2009. <br />SPECIAL NOTES: <br />1. On the Departmental Expenditure Summary, the $101,161 Police related expenditure in the <br />Capital Projects Fund was made in connection to the CAD-Mobile Data Project. This project was <br />approved several years ago but the approved funds are not reflected in the current budget. <br />None of the items budgeted in the $20,000 amount have been purchased at this point. <br />2. In the Capital Projects Fund, all Community Development expenditures are for the Casa Bonita <br />project. <br />3. As noted at the last Council meeting, the Parks Department expenditures in the Grant Fund are <br />for the extension of the original "rails to trails" trail eastward. <br />4. On the Departmental Expenditure Summary, the line item titled "Contingency" with a budgeted <br />amount of $304,369 consists of the $50,000 budgeted for contingencies and the $254,361 <br />budgeted for the lump sum payment to employees. The lump sum payment was made in <br />November. The lump sum payment, however, is not reflected on this line item because the <br />actual payment was charged to the salary and related benefit line items in the various <br />departments. This was necessary in order for 2008 W-2s to reflect correct amounts. The <br />$393,520 payment charged to the contingency line item was the repayment of the housing <br />grant triggered by the City's failure to meet all of the grant terms. <br />General comments to the City Council: <br />1. Over 99% of all of the City operational activity takes place in the General Fund or the Water and <br />Sewer Fund. The other funds are special purpose funds with limited activity and usually with <br />legal restrictions on what their money can be spent on. For that reason, I normally only <br />comment on the activity of the General Fund and Water & Sewer Fund. However, if it were <br />needed, I would make comment on activity in one of the other funds. <br />2. I try to anticipate questions you might have about the report and comment on those points. <br />After you receive your packet and review the monthly report, if you have questions about the <br />report, please let the Manager know (or me if you can't reach the Manager) before the Council <br />meeting if possible in case I have to research the answer to your question. That does not <br />prevent you from asking the question at the meeting if you wish to make a point, but it does <br />help prevent questions coming up that I can't answer on the spot and possibly delaying the <br />Council in making a decision. <br />3. The activity of the Health Department and Paris Economic Development Corporation is reflected <br />in the monthly report. This is a result of the City performing the bookkeeping functions for both <br />of these groups. Both groups have their own managing board. <br />-A. <br />. 00012- <br />