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22 Fiscal management
City Council
Agenda Packets
03 March
22 Fiscal management
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8/23/2012 8:49:08 AM
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3/6/2009 4:26:42 PM
Item Number
22 Fiscal management
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M~ <br />d ~ <br />CO 11, ~ winr . f <br />~.1~~ <br />January 23, 2009 <br />Dear Reviewer: <br />Transmitted herewith please find an application from the City of Paris for inclusion on the 2010 DWSRF IUP. We <br />appreciate the opportunity working with the Texas Water Development Board. <br />The improvements outlined include a primary project and a secondary project. Both projects will improve the <br />ability to ensure superior water is delivered to its customers for the following reasons: <br />• The old cast iron lines are heavily turberculated. The tuberculation not only greatly reduces the flushing <br />capacity and fire protection flow capacity of the lines, but also provides locations for sediment and <br />ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) to reside. We suspect this combination has profound effects chloramine <br />residual decay in these areas. Therefore, we suspect the new water lines would impmve chloramine <br />residual. <br />• The old lines are also sources of heavy maintenance on City repair crews having to constantly go out and <br />repair leaks. This would greatly reduce outages in the area while reducing the yearly maintenance costs. <br />Also, the new lines should greatly reduce the water loss noted within the system. <br />• The water line replacements will improve our retail and industrial development as well as redevelopment in <br />older parts of Paris. <br />• During periods of higher demand, system pressure impmvement should be recognized in the area by <br />replacing the old turberculated cast iron lines. <br />• Repairing and repainting the 1-million gallon elevated tank will allow the City to continue to provide it's <br />citizens with the best water possible. <br />• The secondary project will include a new bridge to the water treatment plant. The new bridge will ensure <br />safe passage during inclement weather and provide full-time access to the plant. The former bridge <br />collapsed leaving only one access point (that is also in jeopardy) to a water treatment plant that serves a11 of <br />Lamar County and a portion of Red River County. The bridge is already designed and on plans and <br />specifications. The existiag three barrel steel culverts on the main access road is severely deteriorated and <br />in danger of collapsing. A new culvert is also proposed in this secondary project, also providing access to <br />the water plant. The new cuivert would replace an existing culvert that is badly deteriorated. <br />We also understand that this application may be considered for Economic stimelus funds cwrently being developed <br />by Congress. The stimulus funding would give precedence to projects that can be under construction as rapidly as <br />possible. T'he primary project outlined herein can be underway very expeditiously for the following reasons: <br />• The waterlines proposed are scheduled to replace old cast iron and asbestos cement lines, without picking <br />up any additional services. For this reason we believe the project should be Categorically Excluded from <br />environmental requirements. <br />• T'he lines are currently within City Right-of-Ways, and would not require easements. <br />• The waterlines proposed were previously identified in the City long-range plan; these lines are years 2010 <br />through 2018 (year 2008 is complete and year 2009 is currently underway). These lines have also been <br />approved for recon 'on by Council vote. <br />T'hank you, <br />Kevin Carruth <br />City Manager <br />P.O. BOX 9037 • PARIS, TEXAS 75461-8037 •(903) 785-7511 • FAX (903) 785-8519 <br />. 000226 <br />
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