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Street Light Placement Study <br />Methodology: <br />251 Miles - Total Linear mileage of atl streets in the city of Paris, maintained by the Street <br />Department or Texas Department of Transportation. <br />20,128 - Total calls for service, officer Initiated or from complaints May 1, 2008 through January <br />31, 2009 between the hours of 6 PM and 6 AM. <br />9075 - Total calls for service after removing call activity that would not be affected by <br />additional street lighting; traffic stops, false alarms, civil stand by, animal calls, 9-1-1 <br />hang-ups, assist fire or EMS, message delivery, administrative tasks. <br />36.15 - Average calls for service by linear mile. <br />.006846 - Average calls for service by linear foot. <br />3.42 - Average calls for service per 500 feet. Present required distance between street lights <br />paid for by the City of Paris. <br />Random sampling of calls for service on other primarily residential streets were kept in the address <br />range of 300-499 due to all of the streets listed being in close proximity to arterial or feeder designated <br />roadways. Primarily commercial, industrial, and agricultural areas were intentionally not included in the <br />random sampling but were included in the linear foot computations. <br />4- Number of calls for service from addresses from 300 to 499 on NE 5`h Street between <br />the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM, meeting above criteria for calls. <br />1- Number of calls for service from addresses from 300 to 499 on NW 7th Street between <br />the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM, meeting above criteria for calls. <br />0- Number of calls for service from addresses from 300 to 499 on SE 10th Street between <br />the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM, meeting above criteria for calls. <br />7- Number of calls for service from addresses from 300 to 499 on NE 12`h Street between <br />the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM, meeting above criteria for calls. <br />5- Number of calls for service from addresses from 300 to 499 on SE 24th Street between <br />the hours of 6 PM to 6 AM, meeting above criteria for calls. <br />U 002.3 <br />