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4.) <br />S.) <br />G.) <br />7.) <br />8.) <br />Z19'd <br />Pursuant to aild in co.tnp]iancc vvith you:i' bid specil;:lcatiotls forffie and deliveiyof <br />Aggrcgnte Cover Stone ('t'ype B, Grnde 5, Caiitcd), we bid tiic foilowing: <br />fl,ggregute Guv4r 5tottc (Typc I3, Grade. S, Coated) wlll be furnished aud delivercd i'ur <br />the prlcc of: <br />$ NO BID per ko» <br />Pu.rsuant to cunct i.n comp.l..ia,ilce with yourbi.d spee.if,ications fo:r t17e and de.tiveiyo:C <br />FI;oC Mit Cold Laid Asplialt, Type ",13" (FInc liase) MntcriAl, we bid the lullowing: <br />:Uot N,11x Cold Lnid AsphEilt, '1'ype "U" (1?iue ;13ase) M:Aterial will be Turnistied and <br />dcllvcred for the pricc vf: <br />$ NO BID per Coi1. <br />1'ursu.ant to and in cu»aplia.nce wit.11 your bicl speeil'icatiuns for the furnishing and dclivety o1' <br />Ci2S-2 Emulsfon Asplialt:, tivE bid the followil7g; <br />CR5-2 Linulsltâ–ºu AsnhAlt wlll Ue furnished and dellvered Tur tLe price of: <br />$ 2.1079 per galloil <br />PuCSII%U'1L LO 111d l!'l COl'1vI:ILi11CC W.ItI'1 y0U]' bicl 5pecilicaCio.ns fo.r the fu.rnishinb and del.ivery uf <br />liol' Mix Culcl Luld Asphnlt, Type "D" (Fine M:ixturc) Matcrlal, we bid the followmg: <br />Hul Mix Coid Lutd Asphalt, Typc "D" (Fine M'.ixhirc) M:nccrlAl witl be furnislicd nnd <br />deliverc;d for thc; price uf: <br />$ NO BID pC1' C01] <br />Pursuant lo and .ia1 comp.l.iaa7ce with your bid spccif cations i:or the i'urnishiilg ancl efe,fiveryof <br />Flexible 13nse Malerlal (Itcd.Etack), we b:id lhe:l:o.lloivas7g: <br />F[cxlble:i3ase Mnccrial (Red'Rock) will bc i'urnished and dclivered i'or the prfce oi': <br />$ NO BID pV. ton <br />3'gd N09Z~3:woJJ 90:2ti 6002-22-Nd!' <br />ti62069b2SS: 01 8abL2ZSEO6 <br />