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AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY & THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY <br />DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT <br />This section must include a brief description (not exceeding 200 words) of the proposed project. <br />For continuation, if necessary, of any item on application page ABTPA-1. Identify by number the item <br />being continued. <br />This sheet may also be used for any other remarks, at the applicant's option. <br />The City of Paris began the Northeast Texas Auto Theft Task Force, with the assistance of ATPA, in <br />September, 1994. The Task Force assists agencies in Lamar, Red River, Fannin, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, <br />Titus, Grayson, Hunt, Bowie, and Southeast Oklahoma. We cover approximately 8,000 square miles with a <br />population of about 500,000. We strive each year to meet the goal of reducing auto theft in our area. We <br />always make it a goal to educate the law enforcement personnel and public in this part of Texas. We <br />accomplish these goals by salvage yard inspections, vehicle dealer inspections, maintaining checks on <br />repair shops to check for stolen vehicles and parts. Working closely with Texas DPS MVTS and all <br />agencies is helping to accomplish our goals. We have two officers that use 100% of their time to combat <br />auto theft and auto related crimes. Some of the Tax Assessors in our area have jumped on the wagon to <br />assist in every way possible to help prevent auto theft, title fraud, and all other document fraud. We meet <br />with agencies on a regular basis to collect and distribute intelligence. The Paris Chief of Police and the <br />County Attorney evaluate the program monthly. <br />ABTPACo 0 119 <br />