<br />P R O CL .4 M.A 7"I OJV"
<br />~YV.~I'ER2'A.S; sqfety is ~zmong tlie lii~~iestpriorities for t~e z~/i7vays a~zcfstreets f
<br />ozrY City aazd-Sta1e and-thiegYeat State of Texas isproatdto 6e ancztional_leade-r in
<br />motorcycle s~zfety, ediiccztzon ~zn~fiz~v~zre~zes•s,• an~,f
<br />71!~l~'1Z~'.~5; motorcycls are a conamon .zn~fecononaicalnaeans of1L1-4z)'zsyort,,ztion
<br />t/7~tt re~~ces~zrelconsur~ption and-l-oadlvear, ana`contri6utes in a soni icant way
<br />~Iestion anafparke'iilg'• an~,f
<br />ta tle relef oftrazffz"c coiz
<br />2V3Y'ER~'.AS; it is el~Veciuzl* inzportalat tlat tle citizen.s- of oau- City a114fSt~'zte 6e
<br />awczre of Naotorcycls on tle streets ancfFolivwys ~zn~frecoqnize the importance of
<br />lnotarcycle scr~ety,• anc,f
<br />V_9l~~'R.T_AS, motorcyclsts continuall~ yromote inotorcycl'e safetV, ecliucatzon cznY_
<br />aw"'zreness in hvi7/i sc~~ol~fr~vers'educ~ztio~zyrograrns an<fto the~e~zer~zl_pai6~c in
<br />our City rznd State, prese~ating motorcycl ~z~v~zreness .pr(,gnznas to over 100,000
<br />_parlic01717ts in tle~,17stfourj
<br />leajs alone,• an,,f JV31'TR~'.q.5; allmotoYCycfis•ts s~ioallifjonz C~'f~sy .r'~IcParis in actz"vel~promoting tlie
<br />safe o~eration ofntotorcycls, as lvellas-,P.roryzoting motorcycl safety, e~fzIcatzorl ~zn~f
<br />~z~vaYeness to t6ie citizens of ozr~~ City ~zaz~fSfizte,- ~znaf,
<br />)YYl~'1z~".A.S; tle naotorcyclzrts h'czve contri6arted-e i tensz"ve time, mone f and
<br />conzlnunzty service to national and- conamainzt, cliaritcz&e organizations sucli as
<br />Easter Sea .ls, _j1aAe-A-211'1sli ~'oulufation, .rtilaiscular Dystroply Association, Sczl~vation
<br />.Arrny andvRriourg/11 relef efforts;• and,, ,
<br />di-iring tFie montli f.r'Y1eay, alTro,(u6vay arsers, s6ioulifunite in t6ie safe
<br />sliaring o/`-tlie roadivays 7vitl~iin tle City f Paris, and'tlir ougl~-cout t/~ie great State of
<br />Ie_ras;.
<br />.r'VOV J~'SS~' J.f1~1~'S ~'R~'~'L~'~' .~LAyOR O,~' l"3l~' CI~ OT
<br />P.~RIS, ~~'X.f2S; 6y tle aut6ority veste~f in me, ~zn~f in recoqnition of t6ie loh
<br />.Anniversari f tlie fforts fA. 8-4. J4 G'y_psy .rtilcP~zris~ anaf tlie otler zzo, o00
<br />registeYed motor-cycl'ists statejvi4 and-in recopnition of tle continuealrol tliey
<br />serve as a l ad r in niotorcycl safety , ediacation and-izwareness, do- Fere6yyroc~izim
<br />tlle monffl of.rtilay, ?oog, as
<br />`.W 02"ORCyClE .A ~YY.A7ZE_wTSS .rtilOA~.~l"
<br />in Paris, Lamar County, 1'exas, and-urge alTmotorrsts to join in an e fort to improve
<br />safety amfazvczreness an ozrr 1-oczdways.
<br />I9V7"~'S~LrtilONJI 7V.91TREO,T -f lave lierezinto set ~ny li~zncfczn~l c~zuse~.ft6ie Sealof
<br />t/ie City to 6e affz;ielfat ff/ e City ofPe zris, tFizs ffl e Iltli a izy f.r'~I-ty, ~oog.
<br />A ~?TST
<br />
<br />,janice 1'lls, City Clerk
<br />.APPROY_-D .f2S ~0,TORN. •
<br />_lesse_Tarrzes Treeln, -A1ailor
<br />~i~ .~c"ent .~llcllf~r, Cit~ .;~ttorrae f 000002
<br />