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assessments could result in a lien on and the foreclosure of the Nroperry. it tsuyc[ 1b <br />concerned about these matters, the TREC promulgated Addendum for Property <br />Subject to Mandatory Membership in a Property Owners' Association should be <br />used. is situated in a utility or other sta <br />(3) STATUTORY TAX DISTRICTS: If the Property tutorily <br />created district providing water, sewer, drainage, or flood control facilities and services, <br />Chapter 49, Texas Water Code, requires Seller to deliver and Buyer to sign the statutory <br />notice relating to the tax rate, bonded indebtedness, or standby fee of the district prior to <br />final execution of this contract. 33.135, <br />(4) TIDE WATERS: If the Property abuts the tidally influenced waters of the state, § <br />included inur the Rcontract. An addendum containing rtherdnottiiiceo promulgated prbyeTR e <br />EC or <br />required by the parties must be used. <br />(5) ANNEXATION: If the Property is located outside the limits of a municipality, Seller notifies <br />Buyer under §5.011, Texas Property Code, that the Property may now or later be <br />included in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality and may now or later be <br />subject to annexation by the municipality. Each municipality maintains a map that depicts <br />its boundaries and extraterritorial jurisdiction. To determine if the Property is located <br />within a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction or is likely to be located within a <br />municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction, contact all municipalities located in the general <br />proximity of the Property for further information. <br />(6) PROPERTY LOCATED IN A CERTIFICATED SERVICE AREA OF A UTILITY SERVICE <br />PROVIDER: Notice required by §13.257, Water Code: The real property, described in <br />Paragraph 2, that you are about to purchase may be located in a certificated water or <br />sewer service area, which is authorized by law to provide water or sewer service to the <br />properties in the certificated area. If your property is located in a certificated area there <br />may be special costs or charges that you will ebe required to pay construct before you anore receive <br />water -or sewer service. There may be a p required <br />facilities necessary to provide water or sewer service to your property. You are advised to <br />determine if the property is in a certificated area and contact the utility service provider <br />to determine the cost that you will be required to pay and the Tperiod, e e undersigned that Buyer <br />required to provide water or sewer service to your property. 9 Y <br />hereby _ acknowledges receipt of the foregoing notice at or before the execution of a <br />binding contract for the purchase of the real property described in Paragraph 2 or at <br />closing of purchase of the real property. <br />(7) PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS: If the Property is in a public improvement district, <br />§5.014, Property Code, requires Seller to notify Buyer as assoessmsentsto purchaser muc paoty this <br />parcel of real property you are obligated to pay <br />county for an improvement project undertaken by a public improvement district under <br />Chapter 372, Local Government Code. The assessment may be due annually or in <br />periodic installments. More information concerning the amount of the assessment and.. the <br />due dates of that assessment may be obtained from the municipality or county levying <br />a f the assessments is <br />the assessments could result o alien on and he foreclosure of your property. Your failure to <br />pay <br />7. PROPERTY CONDITION: <br />A. ACCESS, INSPECTIONS AND UTILITIES: Seller shall permit Buyer and Buyer's agents access <br />to the Property at reasonable times. Buyer may have the Property inspected by inspectors <br />selected by Buyer and licensed by TREC or otherwise permitted by law to make inspections. <br />Seller at Seller's expense shall turn on existing utilities for inspections. <br />B. SELLER'S DISCLOSURE NOTICE PURSUANT TO §5.008, TEXAS PROPERTY CODE (Notice):. <br />Check one box only) <br />j�(1) Buyer has received the Notice. <br />(2) Buyer has not received the Notice. Within 3 days after the effective date of this <br />contract, Seller shall deliver the Notice to Buyer. If Buyer does not receive the Notice, <br />Buyer may terminate this contract at any time prior to the closing and the earnest <br />money will be refunded to Buyer. If Seller delivers the Notice, Buyer may terminate <br />this contract for any reason within 7 days after Buyer receives the Notice or prior to <br />the closing, whichever first occurs, and the earnest money will be refunded to Buyer. <br />❑ (3) The Seller is not required to furnish the notice under the Texas Property Code. <br />C. SELLER'S DISCLOSURE OF LEAD -BASED PAINT AND LEAD -BASED PAINT HAZARDS is required by <br />Federal law for a residential dwelling constructed prior to 1978. <br />D. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPERTY CONDITION: (Check one box only) <br />❑ (1) Buyer accepts the Property in its present condition. <br />❑ (2) Buyer accepts the Property in its present condition provided Seller, at Seller's expense, <br />shall complete the following specific repairs and treatments: <br />LENDER REQUIRED REPAIRS AND TREATMENTS: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, <br />neither oartv is obligated to pay for lender required repairs which includes treatment <br />(TAR 1601) 06 -30 -08 Initialed for identification by Buyer T F_ . <br />and Seller <br />TREC NO. 20 -8 Page 3 of e <br />