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Residents Bakjeinz Leaves <br />Pros • <br />1.) Bagged leaves will require reduced use of packer and reduces the amount of time per stop, <br />increasing productivity and minimizing operation and maintenance costs. <br />2.) Safer, faster and neater for the collector and the neighborhood. <br />3.) Majority of residents at the present time have become accustomed to following the ordinance <br />requirement of putting leaves (and all other trash) in bags. <br />4.) Before a limit on bagged leaves was implemented, crews were collecting from 100-150 bags at <br />some residences. The current limit is 12 bags of leaves/trash on bulk day (2°d trash pick-up day of <br />the week) and six bags on the first pick-up of the week for a total of 18 bags a week. Pick up and <br />trailer loads of leaves can still be taken to the landfill north of Paris once monthly free of charge <br />5.) Several years ago a six-month study on leaf pick-up in the City determined that the Sanitation <br />department picked up 80,000 bags of leaves. <br />6.) Bagging complies with the recommendation of the Code Enforcement Task Force. <br />Cons• <br />1.) Long-term cost of bags <br />2.) Takes more time to bag leaves <br />3.) Bagging leaves adds plastic bags to the landfill and is not environmentally friendly. <br />Staff recommends that the sanitation ordinance not be changed. <br />City of Paris Revised 2/04/08 <br />- 000292 <br />