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adve:-tising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection <br />for training, including apprenticeship. <br />g. The Contractor agrees to comply with the rules, regulations, and relevant orders of the <br />Secrctary of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. <br />C. In th- event of the contractor's non-compliane n~ it~i h the the rules, eregulat oins, clause <br />and relevant <br />for non-compliance may be taken in accorda <br />orders of the Secretaiy of Labor issued pursuant to the Act. <br />licants <br />D. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees <br />ided bd pphrough <br />Y o <br />for employment, notices in a form to be prescribed by the Director, p <br />the contracting officer. Such notices shall state the contractor's obligation under the law to <br />take affirmative action to employ and advance 1n hmp of an1 licants handicapped <br />employees and applicants for employment, and the g PP <br />E. The Contractor will notify each labor union olp understanding hat the olntachorhs bound <br />collective bargaining agreement or other contrac <br />by the terms of Section 503 of the Rehabilitation emt phys cally a de mentally <br />affirmative ac tion to e m p l o y a n d a d v a n c e i n ploYmnt <br />handicapped individuals. <br />purchase <br />F. The Contractor will include the provisions of this c u i orde subcontract <br />of the Secretary <br />ordcr of $2,500 or more unless exempted by rules, regulations, or <br />issued pursuant to Section 503 of the Act, so that such provisions will be binding upon each <br />subcontractor with respect to any subcontract or P rect to enforce such provisoons, t nclOuding <br />of Pederal Contract Compliance Programs may di <br />action for non-compliance. <br />Interest of Members of a City/County <br />No inember of the governing body of the City/County ~dtiesoin connecti n wi h the planningf and <br />City/County who exercises any functions or r rponabfinancial interest, direct or indirect, in this <br />carrying out of the program, shall have any pe <br />Cozltract, and the Firm shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance. <br />Interest oi'Other Local Public Officials <br />No menlber of the govenning body of the locality and th h b~lanni~ng and carry i~g o~ut of the <br />exercises any fimctions or responsibilities in connecti P <br />program, shall have any personal tinancial interest, direct or iildirccl, iii lllis Cut1L1'acl, a~id lhe F11,111 <br />shall take appropriate steps to assure compliance. <br />