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Attachment A <br />ATMOS ENERGY CORPORATION <br />MID-TEX DNISION <br />REVISION NO: 0 <br />RIDER: <br />WNA - WEATHER NORMALIZATION ADJUSTMENT <br />APPLICABLE T0: <br />All Cities deslgnated as "Group A" on the Cities Served List <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: <br />Bills Rendered on or after 08101/2009 <br />PAGE: 45 <br />Provisions for Adiustment <br />The base rate per Mcf (1,000,000 Btu) for gas service set forth in any Rate Schedules utilized by the <br />cities of the Mid-Tex Division service area for determining normalized winter period revenues shall be <br />adjusted by an amount hereinafter described, which amount is referred to as the "Weather Normalizabon <br />Adjustment." The Weather Normalization Adjustment shall apply to all temperature sensitive residential, <br />and commercial bills based on meters read during the revenue months of November through April. The <br />five regional weather stations are Abilene, Austin, Dallas, Waco, and Wichita Falls. <br />Computation of Weather Normalizabon Adjustment <br />The Weather Normalizabon Adjustment Factor shall be computed to the nearest one-hundredth cent <br />per Mcf by the following formula: <br />(HSFi x (NDD-ADD) ) <br />WNAFi = Ri <br />(BLi + (HSFi x ADD) ) <br />Where <br />i = any particular Rate Schedule or billing classification within any such <br />particular Rate Schedule that contains more than one billing classification <br />WNAFi = Weather Normalizabon Adjustment Factor for the ith rate schedule or <br />classification expressed in cents per Mcf <br />Ri = base rate of temperature sensitive sales for the ith schedule or <br />classification approved by the entity exercising original jurisdiction. <br />HSFi = heat sensitive factor for the ith schedule or classification calculated as the <br />siope of the linear regression of average sales per bill (Mcfl and actual <br />heating degree days by month for the test year by schedule or classification <br />and weather station as part of the RRM fiting. <br />NDD = billing cycle normal heating degree days calculated as the simple ten-year <br />average of actual heating degree days. <br />ADD = billing cycle actual heating degree days. <br />Bli = base load sales for the ith schedule or classification calculated as the y- <br />intercept of the tinear regression of average sales per bill (Mcfl and actual <br />heating degree days by month for the test year by schedule or classification <br />and weather station as part of the RRM fifing. <br />The Weather Normalization Adjustment for the jth customer in ith rate schedule is computed as: <br />Issued By: David J. Park <br />Date Issued: <br />Vice President, Rates and Regulatory Affairs <br />- ---139 <br />