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INTERNATIONAL FIRE & BUII.DING CODES REVIEW COMIVIITTEE APPLICATION <br />The Paris City Council is seeking committed individuals who are dedicated to the well-being of the Paris <br />community to serve on an ad hoc committee to review the Intemational Building and Fire Codes and <br />consider recommendstions for adoption by the Council. In addition to the general qualifications listed in <br />the certification below, other qualifications may be mandated by statute, City Charter, ordinance, or <br />resolution. Please complete the information requested below and retarn by Monday, Angast 3, 2009, <br />to: City Clerk, 150 First Street SElP.O. Box 9037, Paris, Texas, 75461. <br />Candidate Information <br />Name: LiDhn /~L! 5 h-) a <br />Address: /~lir~Jrl~nl 1~r'T~~~'►~~ 7'X 'T..SZZA~Z <br />Work Phone: it/ i4 Home Phone: r-5 <br />+n 41 0 --w c U e-7~ih <br />Fax: E-mail Address: _ *Q-- <br />Please note any special lnowledge, education, or experience you have that is applicable to the function of <br />the committee (attach additional pages if necessary). If applicable, list dates of sexvice on any City <br />boards, commissions, or committees. <br />-2:S-C7-e7~ Aftcl (A1 ci St ) C~ Q t <br />Personal Backgronnd <br />The City Council is interested in appointing members with a general interest in the building and fire codes <br />but also recognizes the nced to have members with specialized lrnowledge. Please check the appropriate <br />box below and for "Other," descnbe yovr occupation or other appropriate background description. <br />❑ Alarm Contractor ❑ Historic Disirict Property Owner <br />❑ Commercial Building Contractor ❑ Insurance Agent <br />❑ Downtown Property Owner MQther:~lb'2,~ <br />Certification and Anthorization ~r) +tq i 5 1-5 L' c t <br />By sigaing below, I aclmowledge that I am awan snd agee to the prolubitions of the City of Paris Chatter and tle laws of the <br />State of Texas regardin8 nepotism and con8icts of interest of appoiidees to City boards, commissions, and c;ommittees. I also <br />certify that if appointed I will atbead at least 75 percent of all regutar meetings and shall not have any delinquent indebtedness <br />to the City during my Lerm. I undeistand thst the numler of positions on this committee are limited and thst I may not be <br />appointed; however, if I am not appointed, I agree to be placod 'm a dstabase for possible future notificabon of topics of <br />interat. I catify that the information given by me in this application is true and oorrect and any false information or <br />misrepresenadon is sufficient grounds for disqaalification. I fiuther affum thst I have not predebermined a final opinion on the <br />adophon of the Iuemstional Build'mg Code or Inbernational Fire Code and will appmach oommittee deliberations and <br />recommendations with an open and consmwdve mind. I authoriz$ the City of Paris to verify all information providod in this <br />aPPlicatiwn. In sccordanoe with Saxion 552 of tbe L,ocal Governmeflt Code, I tmdwsbnd Wat informsfim prnvided in this <br />application may be available to the pnblic upo"quesL <br />Signature of Candidate: nate: <br />~ <br />For Citv Qerk's Use 0~1+~ c" <br /> <br /> <br />Conflict of Interest: Y/ N Indebtefteaa: Y/ N Nepotism: Y/ N Dist.:12 3 4 5 6 7 ~ <br />City of Paris <br />- --y195 <br />