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FM 1507 Turn Lane and Collegiate Drive Improvements- 7/30/2009 <br />TxDOT Time Line <br />AUG 1ST <br />Process Options Identified <br />OCT 1ST <br />Best Process Selected; Implementation Begins <br />DEC 1ST <br />Design Elements 100% <br />FEB 1ST <br />PS&E 100% Complete <br />APR 15T <br />Letting <br />TxDOT-City Time Lines <br />Scenario 1- <br />City selects Collegiate Drive design, and City Council acts (Resolution) to fund BY OCT 1ST. TxDOT <br />develops AFA and receives Contract Services Office approval of AFA BY NOV 1ST. City Council signs <br />AFA BY DEC 1ST. TxDOT coordinates with City to obtain wntten Right of Entry for TxDOT and <br />TxDOT Contractor to build off TxDOT right-of-way BY FEB 1ST <br />TxDOT structures Turn Lane PS&E package to incorporate City design for Collegiate Drive, utilizing <br />preliminary design data (typical section, horizontal alignment) OCT - DEC 1 ST <br />City develops Collegiate Drive design and plan sheets (pavement section, profile grade, storm drain design, <br />plan/profile sheets, hydraulic data sheets, storm drain layoutlprofile sheets OCT - DEC 1 ST, with interim <br />review on or about NOV 1 ST (TxDOT estimate developed from this interim submittal will detemvne the <br />actual AFA amount). Completed Plans to TxDOT BY DEC 15T. <br />TxDOT incorporates City design into Turn Lane PS&E DEC 1 ST - FEB 1 ST <br />Scenario 2- <br />City is moving forward with Collegiate Drive project, but is unable to resolve design and funding issues <br />BY OCT 1ST. City passes Resolution of Intent to widen/improve Collegiate Drive, including the <br />concurrent route section, BY OCT 1(see e-mail from Dan Perry to Shawn Napier dated 5/26/09). <br />TxDOT prepares FM 1507 PS&E package to include re-alignment of the FM 1507-Collegiate Drive <br />intersections. TxDOT contract will widen concurrent route (N-S) section up to 16 ft on west side, using up <br />to 10" Flex Base (w/out cement) and TCST. Plans will transirion N-S section into existing pavements on <br />Collegiate. New pavement areas at intersections will be funded by TxDOT using allotted safety funds <br />(intersection areas and concurrent route section will be temporary construction). <br />TxDOT coordinates with City to obtain written Right of Enhy for TxDOT and TxDOT Contractor to build <br />off TxDOT right-of-way, BY FEB 1ST. <br />Scenario 3- <br />City postpones or abandons plans to widen Collegiate Drive, or is unable to pass a Resolution of Intent BY <br />OCT 15T. <br />If City and High School provide Letter of Agreement to allow for TxDOT and TxDOT Contractor to build <br />on City and High School owned property BY OCT 1ST, TxDOT prepares FM 1507 PS&E package within <br />existing TxDOT/City/High School right-of-way with re-alignment of the FM 1507-Collegiate Drive <br />intersections. <br />With no action from City and no action (letter) from High School BY OCT 15T, TacDOT prepares FM <br />1507 PS&E package within exisring TxDOT right-of-way, without re-alignment of the FM 1507-Collegiate <br />Drive intersections. <br />~r <br />4-. - 2~ <br />