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. <br />~ ~ ~ . , . <br />Bk Vol PEI <br />L-1 i70S00ID 1 OR 191]4 110 <br />TIipGT ONE: <br />S;tusted ebout 4 milu Narth 53 Dcg. East af Ne Gry nfPsris, County oCLamer, and <br />. State of'itcas, a pan of thc Wdty Askins Survcy Yl, and bcing a peut vCa 7,6 mc tnU of <br />ynd mavcycd Gkm WaISOn by drtd rxuaied in VcL 701, Pogc 271, oClhe Dced Records <br />o!'said Cou~ty ud Sutc, and bang a 0.470 acre Uact of Iw¢I convryed Kawth W. HaIcomb <br />by deed raardcd irt Vol. 705, Pagc 8 14, oCsaid Dccd Rccords. <br />Dcginning xt an iron pin (Q for coma at Ihe ptcw+2 Southwrst wmc ri Ihe prnrnt <br />gouthw•nt comer of said 7.6 sne Inet, :aid point bang the Southwat comu of:aid 0.470 <br />aae pact. <br />, Thtnee Norih t Dcg I 1 Min. W rst elong lhe West Boundary line oCsaiJ 7.6 aas <br />trnu a distanee o( lBB.6 ft. to an iron pin (o fat eorner at the Northwrst wmer of saiJ 0.470 <br />ottc Iract; <br />ThcnuNath 54 Dcg. 32 Min. East n distanu o(10011 to an iron pin (0 far coma <br />et tbcNoRheas[ comcofsaid O.470 acro tncq <br />7hnr.c South~g.7.LMn..L•u4zdiranu: 0(150 It. to m'von p~Ti (~'lar ioincr . <br />et ihi So-taeau iomer olsaid 0,470 aae trur, <br />'f)xace uownd a wrve to Lhe right([t-7579.4373) along the North Dound.iry Line of <br />Farm Rond 175 2'dstance oC17S fl. io Ihe ploce ofbaginning arsl cpntyning 0470 al;Mof <br />lend. <br />TItAGT TWO: <br />Suuaied about 4 nulc Nonk 57 Deg. Enst o(the Cty oCPtris, Caunuy oCl.imzr, and <br />Shie oJ'Tacts, e put ofthe Weslry Askim Survey 117, and bdng a pan oCa 7.6 aae trau of <br />►and conveycd Glrnn Wapon by deui reeorded in Vol. 701, Pagc 271, of Ibe Dced ttccord: <br />oCsaid County and Slntc. <br />Srginnms u in iron p'w (I) Cor mrna in the Wcs Dcurdnry Line oCsaid 7.6 ocrc trsct <br />az the Nonhwcst comcr nfa 0.410 aae usct oflnnd conveyed Kcmdh W. Hakomb by decd <br />rewrded in VoL 705, Page 919, oCsaid ]iceords. <br />7fumae dons a knce stong ihe Wrst IIwniary LiM of said 7.6 acre tnn u Collows: <br />' Nonh 1 Dcg. 13 Miit 41 Sec, Wai a Jistancc of 110.85 D. to ia uon pin (Q aI Ihe Nonhast <br />cmncofa 4;62 sue vsct oCland wnveycd Marshal) "frndl by decJ recotded in Vol. 551, <br />Psge d, oCvid RcwrA; Nortb 0 Deg. 09 Mn 16 See Eut a dstance of 140.96 fL to an iron <br />~ pin (s) for mmar; <br />- T7K= Swih 27 Dcg. 18 bfin 91 Sec. Gast a d'ulancc of? 1093 an iron pin (Q <br />for comcr at the Tlonhuu cornu o(saiJ 0.470 sue «act; • <br />Thtncc South 54 Deg. 29 1-fin. 57 Sec. Wut e Jislarce o(100 Il. io the place ot <br />6egimvng and containing 0241 aun of land . <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />_A <br />1 ' <br />GOUsN CLEH S DOCU dEM <br />PopRErNDT fi[PRCOUCIBLE <br />WHEN REGOROED <br />I'l <br />