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For Department <br />Use Only <br />Complete Incomplete <br />TEXAS CAPITAL FUND <br />(All pages referenced are in the Application unless otherwise noted) <br />Application Contents <br />Applicant <br />use <br />Initial if <br />complete <br />NA if not <br />a licable <br />3. Color Coded Infrastructure Site Plan/Map - With Key, drawn to scale, identifying <br />public/private infrastructure improvements (if applicable), (see Guidelines) <br />4. Color coded Project Site Plan - With Key, drawn to scale, identifying improvements and location <br />of all businesses and buildings benefiting from the improvements AND/OR site survey (if existing). <br />(see Guidelines) <br />5. Area Ma , drawn to scale, showin ro'ect site location in communi (see Guidelines) <br />6. Business Financial Commitment Letter (see a e 24 & Guidelines) All businesses. <br />7. Business Verification of De osit(s) (see a e 25 & Guidelines) All businesses. <br />8. Lender Commitment Letter (see a e 26) <br />9. Other Financial Commitment Letter/Resolution <br />10. Other veriflcation of De osit(s) <br />11. Letter From Applicant - Provide a letter addressing the inability to fund the project citing <br />specific reasons. <br />Section D- Business Plan b- see Appendix C <br />Must be provided by each business in "multiple business" applications. <br />Please have company provide detailed information on all business plan topics. A lack of adequate <br />information will result in a deficiency for that topic. <br />1. Business History (include information on business strengths and business weaknesses, legal <br />structure, owners, etc.) <br />2. Product/Services (include information on business strengths and business weaknesses, legal <br />structure, owners, etc. <br />3. Market (include information on product demand, total market, target market, competition, the <br />niche of the business, etc.) <br />4. Operations (include information on location, physical facility, area labor market, suppliers, <br />employee training requirements, regulatory requirements, etc.) <br />5. Marketing (include information on how the business intends to market product, promotions, <br />advertising, distribution channels, customer conveniences, etc.) <br />6. Mana ement histo and Or anization Chart <br />7. Descri tion of Pro osed TCF Pro'ect <br />8. Business References <br />9. Resumes (Must include a resume for each person with 20 percent or more ownership and the <br />management team. <br />10. Written response to "Does your business, its owners or majority stockholders own a 20 percent <br />interest or more in another business?" If yes, provide their names and relationship with your <br />business along with the last fiscal year end's balance sheet and operating statement for each. <br />11. Written response to "Do you buy, sell to, or use the services of any concern in which someone in <br />your business has a significant financial interest?" If yes, provide the name9s) and relationship <br />with your business along with the last fiscal year end's balance sheet and operating statement for <br />each. <br />business" a lications. <br />1. Last three ear's financial statements <br />2. Last three ear's tax returns, unless audited financial statements rovided <br />3. Interim financial statement, dated within 90 da s of a lication submission <br />4. Schedule of Debt to match interim fnancial statement (see a e 27) <br />5. Projections (must include the following: quarterly cash flow and income for three years, plus <br />11*lA C/ll/1*PCl fCP 11A(TPC /R - /Ql <br />6. Break-even anal sis if business has been o eratin for less than 3 ears <br />7. Provide total sala amounts, location as resented in financial statement and ro'ections <br />Section E- Business Financial Information b <br />Must be rovided b each business in "multi le <br />~ a\ <br />~ <br />