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26-Public Safety
City Council
Agenda Packets
08 August
26-Public Safety
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INTERNATIONAL FIRE & BUILDING CODES REVIEW COMMITTEE APPLICATION <br />The Paris City Council is seeking committed individuals who are dedicated to the well-being of the Paris <br />community to serve on an ad hoc committee to review the International Building and Fire Codes and <br />consider recommendations for adoption by the CounciL In addition to the general qualifications listed in <br />the certification below, other qualifications may be mandated by statute, City Charter, ordinance, or <br />resolution. Please complete the information requested below and return by Monday, August 3, 2009, to: <br />City Clerk, 150 First Street SE/P.O. Box 9037, Paris, Texas, 75461. <br />Candidate Information <br />Name: Jerry L Haning <br />Address: 1213 Pine Bluff St. Paris. Texas <br />Work Phone: 903- 491-9349 Home Phone: 903-784-4034 <br />Fax: 903-784-4034 _ E-mail Address: j,e , h49 e, _ <br />Please note any special knowledge, education, or experience you have that is applicable to the function of <br />the committee (attach additional pages if necessary). If applicable, list dates of service on any City boards, <br />commissions, or committees. <br />1974 until 1999 Custom home builder and some commercial <br />1999 -Drew plans permitted and built an ouVatient imaging center in Mt. Pleasant, Texas <br />2000- Drew plans permitted and built an outpatient imaging center in Greenville Texas <br />2002- Assisted in drawing plans and permitted an ouMatient imaging center in McKinnev Texas <br />2002- Assisted in drawingplans permitted and built an outpatient ima ing center in Longview, Texas <br />2005- Assisted in drawing plans permitted and built an outpatient imaging center in Rockwall, Texas <br />2006-7 Assisted in drawing,plans,permitted and built an outpatient imaging} center in Paris, Texas <br />Personal Background <br />The City Council is interested in appointing members with a general interest in the building and fire codes <br />but also recognizes the need to have members with specialized knowledge. Please check the appropriate <br />box below and for "Other," describe your occupation or other appropriate background description. <br />Alarm Contractor <br />X Commercial Building Contractor <br />Downtown Property Owner <br />Historic District Property Owner <br />Insurance Agent <br />Other: <br />Certification and Authorization <br />By signing below, I acknowledge that I am aware and agree to the prohibitions of the City of Paris Charter and the laws of the <br />State of Texas regarding nepotism and conflicts of interest of appointees to City boards, commissions, and committees. I also <br />certify that if appointed I will attend at least 75 percent of all regular rneetings and shall not have any delinquent indebtedness to <br />the City during my term. I understand that the number of positions on this committee are limited and that I may not be appointed; <br />however, if I am not appointed, I agree to be placed in a database for possible future notification of topics of interest. I certify that <br />the information given by me in this application is true and correct and any false information or misrepresentation is sufficient <br />grounds for disqualification. I further affirm that I have not predetermined a final apinion on the adoption of the International <br />Building Code or International Fire Code and will approach committee deliberations and recommendations with an open and <br />constructive mind. I authorize the City of Paris to verify all information provided in this application. In accordance with Section <br />552 of the Locai Governrnent Code, [ understand that information provided in this application may be available to the public upon <br />request. ~ <br />Signature of Candidate: Date: <br />For Citv Clerk's Use Onlv ~ <br />Conflict of Interest: Y/ N Indebtedness: Y/ N Nepotism: Y/ N Dist.: 12 3 4 5 6 7 <br />City of Paris <br />6*0 ;T?'Hd 1 ;F,i, <br />r ~ . r: m - - <br />Revised 7/18/09 <br />JUL 31 aM ! 1:03 <br />
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