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COUNCIL MEMBER AGENDA ITEM REQUEST <br />Please complete this form if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda for a City Council <br />meeting. To allow adequate time to prepare packets and to coincide with staff's deadline for <br />items, the due date for placing an item on the agenda is noon Thursday, 12 days prior to the <br />regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month (i.e. the Thursday immediately <br />following a regular Monday meeting). In order for your fellow Council Members to fully <br />understand your item, have productive discussion, ensure efficient council meetings, and for staff <br />ta be able to assist you as completely as possible, it is important that you describe the item with <br />as much detail as possible and include any supporting documentation so that it may be included <br />in the Council's meeting paekets. Please return this completed form to the City Manager and <br />contact the City Clerk at (903) 784-9248 if you have any questions. <br />Council member making request: <br />❑ Will Biard ❑ Joe McCarthy <br />M Steve Brown ❑ Edwin Pickle <br />❑ Jesse Freelen ❑ Rhonda Rogers <br />❑ Kevin Kear <br />Description of Item: Del i berate and act on ci ty staff contacti ng TxDOT <br />in an effort to lowering the speed limit at the intersection of FM195 <br />and Elk Hollow Road to Loop 286 <br />Are additional sheets ar supporting materials attached? ❑ Yes Fq-No <br />I request that this item be placed on the agenda for the: <br />❑ City C,,mncil meeting on this date: <br />~ <br />[211Sometime in the next 2 meetings <br />o specific time in mind - just keep it on a list of pending issues <br />S <br />Date: 7- -g-I - .0 f <br />Citv of Paris Revised I1/19/08 <br />,.'26,6, <br />