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Brazos Technology (979) 690-2811 Ver. 3.0.SP <br />OV@t"vieW <br />It is our privilege to present the City of Paris with the benefits of implementing the electronic <br />hand-held ticket writers. We welcome this opportunity to engage with the City of Paris in a <br />successful endeavor, which will become the icon of the industry. Brazos Technology is <br />committed to leveraging technology to optimize the performance of law enforcement, and our <br />goal is to assure that your wants, needs and must haves are satisfied while performing above <br />and beyond your expectations of a vendor. <br />This proposal outlines the hardware, software and resources needed to implement Brazos <br />Technology's e-citation solution, with its inherent advantages, which will empower the <br />department to be technologically innovative as your needs evolve. It also provides budgetary <br />costs and outlines the next steps and assumptions in moving forward. <br />Thank you for your consideration. We encourage an interactive decision process, which will <br />allow us to answer your questions and provide clarity to ensure that you are confident in making <br />an informed decision. <br />Copyrighi0 2009 Bra2os Technology Corporation, Inc. All rights reserved. <br />All material (in whatever medium or format) and information contained herein (collectively, "Material") <br />is proprietary and confidential information of Brazos Technology Corporation. <br />BrazosTech Paris 3.0.SP.xlsx Page 2 of 18 <br />