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2009-088-RES-Approving application for water supply for commercial dairy
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2009-088-RES-Approving application for water supply for commercial dairy
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2009 Texas Capital Fund Application Scores <br />Name of Applicant <br />PLACE SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION IMMEDIATELYBEHIND THIS FORM. Support documentation must be <br />submitted or veri ecation ur oses otherwise the cate o will be scored 0. <br />, <br />Proposed <br />Communi Distress/Need (Max 40 Points) <br />Score <br />Unemployment Rate: Applicant's most recently available quarterly (most recent 3 months averaged) <br />counry rate. Score 5 points if this figure meets or exceeds the state average for the same time frame. <br />0 <br />(Maximum 5 points) <br />Poverty Rate: Applicant's annual county poverty rate for individuals (from 2000 Census) is 16.35% . <br />Scare 5 points if this figure meets or exceeds the state average of 15.4%. Score 10 points if this figure <br />5 <br />exceeds 17.7%. (Maximum 10 points) <br />Awarded Contracts: Score 10 points if the community has been awarded zero TCF contracts in the current <br />0 <br />or the recedin 2 calendar years. <br />Community Size: Points are awarded to applying small cities and counties using 2000 census data. For <br />cities: score 5 points if the city is located in a county with a population of 35,000 or less; and score 5 <br />0 <br />additional points if the population of the city is less than 5,000. For counties: score 5 points if the county <br />population is less than 35,000 and score 5 additional points if the county population is less than 15,000. <br />Community population figures are net of the population held in adult/juvenile correctional institutions. <br />(Maacimum 10 points) <br />Per Capita Income: Award 5 points to applicant's that have a per capita income level below the state <br />S <br />average of $19,617, using 2000 Census data. (Maximum 5 points) <br />Jobs ax:35 oints <br />Job Impact: Business's (all businesses combined) job commitment, created &/or retained, 179 divided <br />by applicant's 2000 population 25,885 = job impact ratio .0069 . Score 5 points if this figure exceeds <br />S <br />.00485; score 10 points if this figure exceeds .00969 and score 15 points if this figure exceeds .01455. <br />(Maximum 15 points) <br />Cost per job: The total amount of the TCF award is $ 1,000,000 , including administration, divided by the <br />total number of jobs created/retained by all businesses 179 = Applicant's cost per job $ 5,586 . Score 10 <br />10 <br />points if the cost per job is less than $15,000; and score 5 points if the cost per job is less than $20,000. <br />(Maximum 10 points) <br />Wage Impact: Awarded by taking the business' average weekly wage commitment, for all jobs proposed to <br />be created and retained, and dividing by applicant's most recent county, quarterly, private sector average <br />10 <br />weekly wage. Score 5 points if this figure exceeds 0.50 and score 10 points if this figure exceeds 0.60. <br />(Maximum 10 points) <br />Economic Em hasis (Max 25 points) <br />Primary Jobs: Awarded if the jobs to be created/retained are or will be employed by a benefiting businesses <br />with the following primary NAICS codes. This is based on the code reported on the business's Texas <br />20 <br />Workforce Commission (TWC) Quarterly Contribution Report Form C-3, their Business IRS tax return, or <br />other documentation from the TWC. In a multi-business app, the majar employer's NAICS code determines <br />the eligible points. 20 points for NAICS category 31-33 Manufacturing <br />15 points for the followin NAICS cate ories: <br />I I I Crop Production <br />42 Wholesale Trade <br />112 Animal, milk, poultry & egg production <br />48-49 Transportation/Warehousing <br />113 Forestry/Logging <br />51 Information (excluding 512-theaters) <br />114 Commercial Fishing <br />5182 Data Processing, Hosting, & Related <br />115 Support Activities-Agriculture/Forestry <br />Services <br />21 I-213 Mining <br />62 Health Care <br />5 points for projects involving non-primary jobs, when the business offers a choice of inedical and <br />prescription drug benefits to employees, including covera e for the family <br />Small/HUB Businesses: Score 5 points if each benefiting business (in a"multiple business" application) <br />employs less than 100 people OR has been certified by the Texas Building and Procurement Commission <br />0 <br />(TBPC) as a Histarically Underutilized Business (HUB). Provide current employee count for any/all <br />locations combined and related businesses (Max 5 points) <br />TOTAL SCORE (A minimum threshold score of 25 points is required) <br />nn nn • i~_ n.. <br />SS <br />7.J,.1'.. <br />Details for the individual score categories and resources may pe rouna on pages co-co I~ Li lC GuidCll, es. <br />2009 Page 7 of 55 1-30-09 <br />
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