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18. Total Water & Sewer expenses are 4.36`Yo higher than last year and amount to 99.21% of the <br />amended budget when debt payments are included and 99.21% of the original budget also. <br />Departmental Expenditure Summary: <br />September represents the end of the fiscal year. Within the General and Water & Sewer Funds there <br />were 3 departments whose expenditures exceeded the amended budget. <br />1. Traffic & Public Lighting-100.68%. This overage amounts to $3,460.77 and was due to the <br />payment of 2 monthly electric bills in September (13 electric bills for the year). <br />2. Cox Field-103.52%. This overage amounts to $6,190.20 and was caused by some last minute <br />maintenance expenditures made to take advantage of the 509'o reimbursement of routine <br />maintenance expenses by the State. The reimbursement by the State will be after the close <br />of the fiscal year and is not reflected on this report. <br />3. Water Production-102.60%. This overage amounts to $75,410.56 as was also due to the <br />payment of two electric bills in September. <br />SPECIAL NOTES: <br />1. In the Capital Projects Fund, the $250,713 Police related expenditures were made in connection <br />to the CAD-Mobile Data Project. This project was approved several years ago but the approved <br />funds are not reflected in the current budget. <br />2. In the Capital Projects Fund, Community Development expenditures for the Casa Bonita project <br />total $629,396 and $150,093 for One Oak Apartments plus there were $67,796 in other <br />demolition expenditures. <br />3. In the Capital Projects Fund, there has been $49,880 spent for street repairs and $14,512 spent <br />as part of the street sign upgrade. <br />4. In the Capital Projects Fund, the Water Treatment Plant has spent $35,701 for <br />instruments/apparatus and $45,058 on their communication system. The Wastewater Plant has <br />spent $59,708 on hydrants & valves and $109,448 for equipment. The Lift Stations Department <br />has spent $13,832 on equipment. <br />5. The Parks Department expenditures in the Grant Fund are for the extension of the original "rails <br />to trails" trail eastward and the Police Department has expended money in their various grant <br />projects (Auto Theft, JAG, School Resource Officer, and Felony Crimes). <br />6. The Municipal Court, Police Department, and EMS Department all made expenditures during the <br />year out of various special revenue funds which can legally only be spent for approved items or <br />services. <br />,V - . _ 2 1 <br />