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ExxrBrfra <br />58.803 ACRES: <br />deinq e11 thet certaan tract c, r G,arcel oP land situated about 3 miles <br />East of tne Ca.Gy of P2r1s, County ef I_amar and 5tate of Texas, a parL of <br />the ,-]oshua Moore Headright Survey9 Ab:~t. Noo 57"i y a part of the 20 acres <br />descr~ibed in a dpecJ from Angeline PL'1C1P,, W.H. Prido, H.C. Pride and J.E. <br />Pride to S.E. Smith on Apcil q7k 7886, recorded in Volume 22p Page 32/1y <br />of the lJeod Records aF sai.d County and State and a part of 40 acre9 des-- <br />cribc,d in deed fror-it W.G. (`loare to Jo_hn B. Maorep A1ice S. I`1oore end ,Je <br />MoorE! to S.E. Smith on March 21, 1881 9 recorded in Volumo 69, Page 2 <br />peed Records of sai.d Courty and St,ate and being Purther described as <br />fQiloWs ; <br />E3eginning at an iron pin for corner in the South BoUndary Line of <br />U.S. Hi.ghWay 82, and the West So,ud:dary: Line of said Maore Survey, the ex-° <br /> Northwest corner of saicl 20 acres; <br />Thence Easterly with the 5outh 8oundary o~ U.S. HiohWay 82 the <br />~'~llowing: <br />South 89 Degr.ees 51 Minutes East a d7sta:-ca cP t_o a <br />concrete monument. the point of cur.vature of a curve to the left <br />having a radius of 2924.79 feet; <br />ThPnce Casterly tiith said curve having along chord bearing North <br />87 Degrees 44 Minutes East an arc di.stance of 247.0 feet; <br />Thence South 66 Degrees 53 Minutes East a distance aF 112.2 feet to <br />af8i-IC8 post For corner in the West 8oundary Lzne of a County road; <br />Thence Sauth 0 Oegrees 16 Minutss West with said West Line a distance <br />of 1871>0 feet to an iron pin faund Por corner; <br />Thence South 89 Degz-ees 07 Minutes West tiith the South Boundary Line <br />of sai.d 40 acres9 a distance of 1345.4 Feet to a fence post for cornerP the <br />Southwest corner of said 40 acresT <br />- Thence North 0 Degrees 43 Minutes East" with the Llest Houndary Line af <br />said sloore Survey anci the East Soundary Line of said Leach Survey a dis- <br />tance oF 698e0 feet to a fence past Por corner; <br />Thence North 0 Uegrees 31 Minutes 30 Seconds Epst with said common <br />5urvey Line a di:;tance of 1230,6 FP_P,r 't0 the place oP bsginning and contain- <br />ing 58.803~acres of 1and, more or less, <br />The undersigned does her.eby cRrti_Py thaL this Survey was this day <br />made on the ground aF the property described he;ceon, and that there are no <br />v9.sable or apNarent enchraachments, excepc zs sh*un nereon; and tnat said <br />properLy nas access to anci r=rom a ueuicaceo rodfS, <br />OATE: this the 7th9 day of Apri1L 19830 <br />~ <br />SIGNED: <br />Robert S. Chaney, R.P.S N' o. 2345 <br />STATE OF TEXAS <br />COUNTY DF LRMAR <br />EjEFORE MEt the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said <br />County and State on this day personally appeared Robert S. Chaney known <br />to me to be the per5on whose subscribed to the Foregoing instrument <br />and acknowledged tu me that he executed samf-3 for the purpose and considera- <br />tion therein expres~;edo <br />GIUEN UNDER f'1Y HAND SEAI. Of OFFICEp this day <br />AoD, ]983e <br />3rvGT,'ft'r~Y P 'BLIC, STATE Or TEXAS~ <br />~ <br />